Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Super Kate :)

Yesterday was another arms day...well arms/chest/shoulders/abs/back...

Lat raises
Ant Raises
Hammer curls
Military press
Bent over single arm rows
Concentration Curls
Tricep dips
Twist crunch
Reverse crunch
Bodyball pushups

I know there was some more stuff in there, but can't remember exactly what right now. After that it was a nice easy 20 min run (ok prob more of a jog). My inner calf has been bugging me since my trail run on Sunday. Hopefully not shin splints. It's feeling a bit better today. Wanted to get a bike in, but it didn't happen. If nothing else I wanted to get on the stationary bike after work, but unfortunately the power went out so that didn't happen either. So today ended up being an off day. Probably a much needed one, but it sorta throws off my schedule. Anyways...tomorrow is going to be another long day at work. Hopefully I can get a long ride in Thursday or Friday as this weekend is going to be a wash what with moving and all. Am really bummed I won't be able to make the Saturday Ladies group ride yet again. Would be a bit rude to up and leave when everyone has driven down here to help out. :( Will be glad to get moved into the new house. One less thing to stress over. The kiddo seems to be adjusting to daycare. He was pretty upset when I dropped him off today. He clung to me like a little monkey. Was quite distressing. But they said he wasn't upset for too long and he isn't acting out in the evening. I get lots of big hugs when I get home from work. :) I love hugs from my monkey boy.

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