Sunday, August 24, 2008

Wipe Out!

Had my first major wipe out yesterday! I was more bummed that it happened in the beginning of the ride and I couldn't finish it then anything. That would have been my 2nd 30 + mile ride instead I ended up spending 3 hours in the ER getting looked over. My helmet did it's job though ( the part where my head hit the ground is split)! All the damage is superficial though, no broken bones or concussions! So wear your helmets' people!! It happened so fast, my front wheel got stuck in a groove in the road and I flipped over the handle bars and rolled a few times. Fortunately, my bike is tire blew and I may need a new wheel...but other then that all is good. The pictures I took before heading off to get check out def don't do my injuries justice esp now that all the bruising has set in. :)



Wipe Out!

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