Thursday, August 21, 2008

Longest Run So Far!

Weee! I ran for 45 minutes last night. That would be my longest run to date. Normally around the 25-30 minute mark I start suffering big time. But last night I felt awesome! I really had a good rhythm going and my form was great. Don't think I've ever felt that good during a long run. I almost felt like I could keep going and was tempted to just run for a full 60 minutes, but I didn't want to push it. Restlessness is apparently much better for my training than contentment. No surprise there. I felt sooo much better afterwards, very relaxed. Gone are the days of eating ice cream when I feel stressed out. I've been taking sleeping pills the past few nights in order to get a decent nights sleep and not lie awake all night thinking. My brain just never wants to shut off and shut up. I think sometimes I'm way too intense and life would be ohh so much easier if I just went with the flow. But then maybe I wouldn't have made such huge improvements this past summer. SO in that sense my intensity is a positive thing. But it def adds much more stress to life. I might swim today or I might rest. I want my legs to recover so I can do that long bike this weekend. I picked up a couple of bags of ice on the way home so I'm prepared this time.

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