Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Rain, Rain go away....

It would appear that the rain and my it band do not go well together...Made it half way into my 9 mile run and was feeling really great...and then bam...my IT band started acting up...I was feeling really crummy about it...like if I can't run 9 miles how can I manage 26.2???? And then it started to rain and it all made sense...at least there was an explanation for it. Because I did 8.5 on a trail a few weeks ago and then 8 miles 2 weeks ago and all was good. I thought I was doing a good job of building gradually and backing off. 9 certainly wasn't overambitious. So I trudged back to my car..some run..mostly walk because I didn't want to push through and then lose months of hard work. Its incredibly frustrating though to be limited by something when my mind and the rest of my body can do it. I have to look at the positives though...I made it 4.5 miles without any pain and when the pain hit, I didn't crumble on to the side walk and give up. Not every workout is going to be fabulous. This quote comes to mind....

"If you can't run, then walk. And if you can't walk, then crawl. Do what you have to do. Just keep moving forward and never, ever give up."

I'll lay off of running for the week and then maybe I'll try the 9 miles again next week...if its raining though maybe I'll stick to the treadmill...although that may just be torture in and of itself. I swam on Monday...tomorrow I get to swim in the am and attack the hills on my bike in the afternoon! Thursday is long bike day and Friday is an easy 40 or so on the bike. Maybe some sprints if my legs still have it. =) Oh and if anyone has seen my appetite could you please return it??? The only reason I remembered to eat yesterday was because I kept getting a headache. Increased training load and not eating does not work out well for me. Lack of appetite has never been my problem, so not sure what the deal is.

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