Sunday, December 21, 2008

80 minutes in hell!

Thank god for my ipod, because an 80 minute long run on the treadmill is def not my idea of a good time. Granted it was probably a better alternative to running outside in the slush. goal for this one was to keep a steady pace. Was hard not to go faster at the end, I always like to finish up strong. But slow and steady was the name of the game! Tried to focus on my form to avoid boredom. Damn achy joints! Makin me feel oooold! Got some Christmas shopping done once I was done with the torture session! Am basically all done, except for Josh. Have gone through several ideas, but so far nothing has panned out. Damnit only 4 days left! Better get a move on it.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Let it Snow!

We got loads of snow here yesterday! Started coming down around 1pm and kept right on coming through the night. Made it hellish getting home, fortunately they let us all leave early. I took the boy out to get new boots this morning, I'd been putting it off...but couldn't any longer. He picked out matching Car boots and hat/mitten set! Very cute! =) Then we spent a good amount of time trudging around in the snow outside the house. It was pretty funny to see him trying to get used to the boots and the snow all at once. Josh had duty, so he didn't get to enjoy the moment. Took some pictures though. Got about 15-20 minutes in on the rollers. That was about all I could take. I get pretty bored on those things. Maybe I need to get some better dvds. I can't wait for the weather to clear up again, so I can really get down to training. I already can't wait for race season to get here. What can I say...I'm obsessed! Here's the training plan I came up with for the week!

Sunday-80 min long run (steady pace)
Monday-Back/Chest/Shoulders (am) and 20-30 minutes on Rollers (pm)
Tues-40-50 minute medium length run (strong finish)
Wed- (am) Light Legs! (pm) 20-30 minutes Rollers
Thursday-OFF (Christmas)
Friday-Short Run (intervals) followed by bis and tris

Friday, December 19, 2008

Can't believe I forgot to include this in there....

My new wheels! I'm going to get some hot pink bar tape....and add aerobars!

Bloody Cold!

So I've taken a large part of the week off because I've been sick...and when I say off I really mean I only did a 40 minute run and several short weight sessions....oh yeah and numerous sessions on my rollers. My version of off is probably a bit skewed. I seriously need a good workout though! Like a "I wanna keel over and puke" kinda good workout! I need that long ride high. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR =)

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Off Day

I think I am going to have to force myself to take an off day today. Slept like crap last night, was really restless. Possibly a sign that I am doing too much. Also woke up with a sore throat. I have the Ironman World Championship saved on DVR for my Monday night spin though! Chrissie Wellington rocks!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Run and Roll

First workout of the day was a 20-30 minute session on the rollers. Actually spent a large percentage of the time not grabbing on to the couch! Wohoo! I can really work up a good sweat on those things. Time seems to really drag while I'm on them though. I try to distract myself with tv, but it doesn't work that well. Got to get in an unscheduled 20 minute run later on. Was good, joints feel much better today. The pain seems to go away once I loosen up a bit. Am hopping it was just the wet weather on Thursday that caused me so much pain. Might just have to go to the doctor to be sure though. to finish stringing up Christmas lights outside! =)

Friday, December 12, 2008

Rockin the Rollers

Decided to break out the rollers for a bit to burn off some energy. Being able to bike indoors makes it even more difficult for me to truly take a day off. Totally rocked it tonight! Made it through an entire commercial break without grabbing onto the couch. I want a picture of myself in biking shoes, rolled up PJs, and a sports bra to post on here! IF that's not hot, then I don't know what is....haha JK Anyways, now that I've gotten myself all pumped up by watching Ironman inspiration videos on youtube I am going to try and get some sleep. =)Ohhhhh I should also add that I might just have found my new set of wheels. Found a sweet deal on a 2007 Jamis Xenith. I think it might just be love!

Recovery Day

Today was basically just recovery from yesterday, hoped on the elliptical machine for 10 minutes to try and stretch my legs out a bit. Am slightly concerned as my joints were really, really painful running yesterday in the rain. They are still sensitive today, especially when I was running up and down the stairs at work. I really have to remind myself to take it easy sometimes. I love to just bound up and down the stairs. I might hop on the rollers for a bit later on. I love my rollers, but I do wish I had a trainer as well for those nights when I'm really not looking for a workout....anywho one more thing to add to my list of wants/needs. Am soooo glad that it is Friday, this means I can laze around a bit tomorrow morning and not have to rush out the door by 7. I need to do food shopping in a bad way. Maybe I won't end up on the rollers tonight, am pretty wiped out. It has been one hell of a long week!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

I freaking did it!

Last night I officially registered and paid for Amica Ironman RI 70.3! And boy am I excited! Crazy freaking excited and scared all at once. Its like a did a double shot of expresso or something. Anyways...I am going to "officially" start training with two of my friends in March. Am going to start training on my own now, as I think I will probably need the base work. That and I've got the Colchester Half Marathon in Feb!
Ran 7-7.5 miles today in the rain. Was cold, wet, and painful but it was fun! I'm beginning to realize that I think I actually enjoy pain. Probably a good thing, given that I probably just signed up for at least 7 hours of pain. Am really looking forward to joining the long course triathlete's club!

Saturday, November 22, 2008


Sunday- ~2 hour bike
Monday- 1 1/2 hour fixed gear ride
Tues-15 minute run
Wed-30 min run
Thurs-2 hour ride, Legs, 25 minute run
Fri-back/bis/tris and total body workout while teaching Boomers Class
Sat-70 minute run

Totals: 5 1/2 hours bike, 1 hour 45 minutes running, 7 hours 15 minutes Cardio
8-9 hrs total training

Good week!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Ahhh Saturday

Was a good day! Got that five mile run in with Kim! First mile or so was pretty rough, but the rest of it went by pretty quickly as we were so busy chit chatting. Hung around with her for a bit eating pumpkin bread and talking some more. Then it was home for a shower and back out again. Met up with Kelly at Borders to go brainstorm business ideas. Got some good ideas out there and now I have a list of things to do more research on. Am working on that right now...working on that and a chilled Amstel Light. :) Hung out with Kelly for a bit, ended up going to the mall to return some stuff and shop a bit. Came home, changed, and then met up with the kiddo and hubby for dinner at Friendly's. Apparently, Connor didn't get his nap in because he was a bit of a crankster. Kept trying to dash off across the restaurant. But he did eat all of his mac and cheese! Not sure what is on the schedule for tomorrow, want to get in a weight training session. I've only done back so far this week. Have been trying to focus a bit more on cardio. Maybe I'll just do a total body circuit workout or something...dunno. Could pull something out of the Making the Cut book. Anyways... after that will probably spend a couple hours hanging out with one of my good girlfriends. Have been trying to finish up this book I got while I was home visiting my folks, but can't seem to focus.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Good Byes....

Today was just yucky! Did my first ride using a fixed gear bike. Was going to be a short ride, but it turned into two hours. The last half hour was pretty freaking miserable, was completely soaked. Spent the entire ride with one foot clipped in and one not. Was a bit bizarre, but def a great workout! Thought I was going to have to work late, but ended up cutting out a bit early. Wasn't really any reason for me to be there and one of my really good friends is leaving tomorrow for North Carolina so I wanted to stop by and help her pack up. Am really going to miss her! Also found out I don't have to work this weekend! Def happy about that, now I'll def be able to get a run in! Have been promising to go out running with Kim for a while now, so can finally do that. Want to get about 5 miles in. Am doing well with the no junk food thing. Gotta whip those abs back in to shape again. :) Am hoping to be at the gym by 7:30 tomorrow morning so I can do some weights. I think abs and back are on the agenda! Man I feel beat....long week.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


I can't seem to focus lately, I'm all over the place. And it's making me a bit crazy. :) At least for the next week or so I am back to the no junk food eating. I've been eating out of boredom lately and also out of stress...which is a habit I thought I'd kicked. So here's the plan, since I clearly need one!

Upcoming Races (or potential races):
Feb 21 Colchester Half Marathon
December 7th Pearl Harbor Masters 5 miler
January 4th Kelleys Pace Frostbite 5 miler
January 4th Boston Buildup Series #1 10K
January 17th Tri to Help Indoor Triathlon
April 19th Wrenthem Duathlon
June 20th Pat Griskus Olympic Distance Triathlon
September 13th Firmman RI Half Ironman ???

Week #1 Half Marathon Plan

Wed-2 mile run
Thurs-Long Bike (or run with Kim) depending on weather Work 1-?
Fri-Back/Abs work 9-5
Sat-Bis/Tris work 10-2??
Sun-Shoulders/Chest 5 Mile Run or Bike (depending on Thursday)

Now I just have to stay injury free! =) Hoping to include some swimming next week. Might be able to squeeze something in over the weekend, but those days are usually open swim days and the pool is a mess of kids and "pleasingly plump" navy wives. (I promise that phrase isn't mine, it was one of the chicks Bobby and I tag-teamed into joining the gym today). Oh fuck it , I was trying to be nice...fat lazy chicks. I hope it doesn't rain tomorrow, because clearly this girl could use a nice long bike ride with a lot of ugly hills. And now snuggling up in bed with a good book is sounding like a very good idea...especially with the rain pouring down.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

The Week in Review

I can run again! Put a gel heel insert on the side that was bothering me and things are much improved! Ran for 30 minutes on the treadmill and then did another 30-40 minute trail run. :) Feels good to be back! The front of my shins were bothering me after the trail run as well as my right knee but I think that might be due to not stretching well enough before hand. Bad me! I am in Virginia for the weekend! Took my parents puppy out for a jog/walk this morning and the jogging downhill part seems to have cleared up the tightness in my shins! Feels good to be home again. Stayed up late-ish drinking wine, eating peanut butter cookies and reading. Its been a while since I've had the focus to pick up a book and read. The 8+ hour car ride was not nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be. Connor was a doll. He entertained himself for the majority of the trip and was a real cutie at the rest stop where we ate lunch. Right now I am enjoying some really delicious coffee made in my parent's new Keurig Coffee maker. Was disappointed to discover that they spent 150 bucks on the thing, otherwise I might have considered adding one to my collection of kewl kitchen appliances. I think it just might make the perfect cup of coffee! Not sure what I was thinking when I packed because I brought next to nothing for myself. Was weird to discover that I fit into all my little sister's clothes anyhow so I needn't have bothered to pack anything anyways! :) I wonder how far I could get with my parent's dog before they noticed he was missing....he is such a sweetie. Loaded with energy, but with a little bit of training he'd be fine. Make a great running partner over the winter. In addition to the running, also got some good strength training sessions in. Haven't been out bicycling yet, but I brought everything with me so I can hopefully get out today or tomorrow. Funny I didn't remember to pack PJs, but the bike I remembered! lol....

Sunday, October 26, 2008


I've managed to get in somewhere between 80-90 miles on the bike this week! Lets see...30 Thursday, 40-50 Saturday, and not sure what we did today...maybe 10-15? Anyways that would be a high for me! :) Feels pretty damn good! And my long ride was my strongest yet! Am finally getting the hang of drafting. I really need to get a speedometer. But one thing at a time. Seems like there is always more gear that I want or need. Had a headlight and blinking rear light put on. Not exactly in the "kewl" new gear category, but at least now I'm less likely to get hit by a car. Hopefully after next week I can run again. Ankle still feels iffy, but am hoping another week will do it. Maybe I'll try taping it....see how that feels. Also managed to get in some good strength training sessions, short but they def did the trick. I've put on about 2lbs. Although not sure if that has to do with my poor diet as of late or more muscle. Hopefully its the latter. :) I think some yoga is in order this evening. Def need to stretch out a bit. And now to shower and eat!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Killer Quads!

Legs feel like jello right now! Short but sweet workout!

Leg Extensions 12 reps x 3 (50lbs I think)
Smith Machine Squat (3x8 50 lbs)
Leg Press (3 x 10 90 lbs)
Sissy Squats (3x8 15lb dumbbell in hand)

Tomorrow I need to hit the rest of my legs, back, and abs! Am going to lay off running for another two weeks. Stinks, but hopefully then I can start upping the mileage for a February half marathon! :) In the meantime I shall start looking over half marathon training plans and find one that works for my time frame. Man did it get chilly today. Going to have to get out and buy some more winter gear now. Took the kiddo out to get pumpkins yesterday and then today we went apple picking! I'm really enjoying this season! I think I might have to break out the Joy of Cooking and make a pie or something...hehe

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Its been a while....

Kinda forgot about this thing. Lets just say there have been a lot of workouts in the past two weeks and I probably don't need to do a recap of them all. Biked between 50-60 miles last week, which is a record for me I think. This week so far only about 40ish. May try and get another ride in over the weekend though, SIL will be down visiting. Haven't been able to run and only got one strength training session in so far. Am going to hop on the treadmill tomorrow and see how my ankle feels. I want to train for this half marathon in February. Apparently it only cost 2 bucks and is very hilly. So lets hope my ankle and shins quit giving me issues so I can start upping the mileage again. And maybe head back outdoors. There is a track across the street that I could run on with the kiddo in the jogger. :) Would be good for speed/drill work. My back is freaking killing me tonight. I had an awesome ride this morning! Legs felt really good. Finally figured out that the trick to an awesome long ride is to do a shorter slow ride the day before to get my legs stretched out. Tried doing yoga stretches to straighten my back out...plow and downward facing dog usually do the trick but it was only a temporary fix. Might have to go in search of some Tylenol so I can get a decent night sleep tonight. Somehow I don't feel tired, which is odd given I only slept maybe 3 hours last night. Anywho really should get to bed. This week has really flown by. Am looking forward to the weekend, since SIL will be here and I won't be under house arrest. :)

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Stroll in the Park Sunday

Loaded up the car this morning with bikes, kiddo, and coffee and headed out to do the charity ride. I ended up towing the kid which was fine by me as 7.5 miles is a walk in the park. And towing the kid didn't make it that much more difficult. Granted the course was pretty flat, would have been fun to do some more hills. The hardest part was actually getting him in the buggy thingy, because he did not want to be strapped into it. Once we got going he was alright though. The road was wet and slick and the rain really started to come down towards the end, so I was glad it was only 7.5 miles as I don't think he would have last much longer. Was actually my first ride clipped in unless you count the circles I did in the parking lot yesterday. I figure if I can do it while pulling the kid mobile I'm fine right? Its just a matter of remembering to clip out so I don't topple over. Once the ride was over we hung out at the children's museum and let the kiddo play while we warmed up with donuts and coffee. Then it was back home for lunch and nap time. Then I hit the gym for an hour and a half of calves, hamstrings, lower back, butt, and abs.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Total Dork

:) I feel super cool with my new shoes and clip-less pedals, of course my neighbors are probably all looking at me like I'm nuts. But to hell with what their fat asses think right?! Headed into the bike store as soon as they opened this morning! Hopped on the trainer and practiced clipping in and out. I didn't notice it before, but my shoes have flames on the back of them...hehe :) See I told you I was cool! Anyways, yeah so don't think I'll be doing that 3.5 mile trail run tomorrow, my foot hurts just to walk. Am going to do a charity 30 something mile bike ride instead. Unless I can convince hubby to come along with the kid in tow then I'll do the 7 mile instead. Also finally got my hands on the libraries copy of Every Second Counts. Lance Armstrong rocks! I love reading his play by play accounts of the Tour.

Thursday, October 2, 2008


It's official...I'm finally doing it...hehe After a great ride today I went and ordered a pair of tri cycling shoes. Can someone please tell me why a large majority of the women's cycling shoes are white? Why would I want white shoes? Black is infinitely cooler. So yep here are my new shoes!


They kind of match my bike...hehe! So in the mean time my bike is at the shop having the pedals switched out and a new brake pad put on. Because my dumb blond ass destroyed it riding on a wheel that was not entirely tight. Scary...knowing I rode 30 miles on a wheel that should have come off. Oh yeah and awesome ride today! Either my legs were really tired though or Kim was flying.

Un Training Blog

I have this song stuck in my head...I love Pink!

Na Na Na Na Na Na Na
Na Na Na Na Na Na
Na Na Na Na Na Na Na
Na Na Na Na Na Na

I guess i just lost my husband
I don't know where he went
So i'm gonna drink my money
I'm not gonna pay his rent (Nope)
I got a brand new attitude
And i'm gonna wear it tonight
I wanna get in trouble
I wanna start a fight

Na Na Na Na Na Na Na
I wanna start a fight
Na Na Na Na Na Na Na
I wanna start a fight

So so what?
I'm still a rock star
I got my rock moves
And i don't need you
And guess what
I'm having more fun
And now that we're done
I'm gonna show you tonight
I'm alright, I'm just fine
And you're a tool
So so what?
I am a rockstar
I got my rock moves
And i don't want you tonight

Uh, check my flow, uh

The waiter just took my table
And gave to Jessica Simp- Shit!
I guess i'll go sit with drum boy
At least he'll know how to hit
What if this song's on the radio
Then somebody's gonna die
I'm gonna get in trouble
My ex will start a fight

Na Na Na Na Na Na Na
He's gonna start a fight
Na Na Na Na Na Na Na
We're all gonna get in a fight!

So so what?
I'm still a rock star
I got my rock moves
And i don't need you
And guess what
I'm having more fun
And now that we're done
I'm gonna show you tonight
I'm alright, I'm just fine
And you're a tool
So so what?
I am a rock star
I got my rock moves
And i don't want you tonight

You weren't there
You never were
You weren't all
But thats not fair
I gave you life
I gave my all
You weren't there
You let me fall

So so what?
I'm still a rock star
I got my rock moves
And i don't need you
And guess what
I'm having more fun
And now that we're done (we're done)
I'm gonna show you tonight
I'm alright(I'm alright),I'm just fine (I'm just fine)
And you're a tool
So so what?
I am a rock star
I got my rock moves
And i don't want you tonight

No No, No No
I Don't want you tonight
You weren't there
I'm gonna show you tonight
I'm alright, I'm just fine
And you're a tool
So so what?
I am a rock star
I got my rock moves
And i don't want you tonight

Ba da da da da da

This week has been good! Tuesday did Chest, Shoulders, and Biceps. Wed did Back, Abs, and Triceps. Today is long ride day! Am very much looking forward to it! In other big news, I'm finally going to clip in...hehe When we are done riding today I am going to have them switch out my pedals! I've resisted long enough. Plus I very much want to buy some oh so cool shoe covers for the winter...hehe Did I mention I love the pockets on my new jersey? God I'm such a dork. :)

Monday, September 29, 2008

Coffee Addict and Downward Facing Dog

Is funny here I am trying to whiten my teeth, but I just can't seem to avoid the coffee...which of course reverses all attempts to whiten. Anyways, my ankle/foot is still bugging me so today's workout was pretty tame. Am still recovering anyhow, so I did 20 minutes of spinning and 20 minutes on the Elliptical plus tons of yoga stretches. Tomorrow its back to the weights! :) Hopefully this problem will resolve itself by Sunday because I really want to do that trail run race. More once the kiddo is in bed and not climbing up my leg....


I love downward dog! If I only ever did one yoga pose that would be the one! My back is always super tense and it really hits that spot!


Anyways, those new pants I'm sporting are the ones I picked up from Victoria's Secret yesterday. I needed a little pick me up and am totally addicted to that store. And I basically live in my gym wear now a days....I think they make my butt look pretty damn good! The kid is finally in bed and the veggies for the soup I'm making tomorrow are all chopped up! :) I think I'll take pictures of it tomorrow when it is done. I finally located my digital camera again, so I can stop using my phone!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

2009 Races

Early Season Half Marathon

September?? Westchester Olympic Distance Triathlon (need to be around 2:27 if I want to qualify for Escape from Alcatraz 2010)

Trail Run Race

Just signed up for a 3.5 mile trail run race this next Sunday! :) Also decided I want to aim for a Jan/February Half Marathon.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Mini Race Blog

Will write a full report later on, am too tired to think about race in minute detail right now. Highlights included getting clawed by what I can only hope was a female during the mass swim start. This was my first swim start that had mixed waves. But I was brave and got right out in the thick of it and now I have red talon like tattoo to prove it! :) Bike course was slick and full of bumps, pot holes and other dangerous obstacles. Was dead freaking slow, not happy with bike at all. Freaking 14 mph average. Disgusting! (and not in a I'm cool, bad ass kind of way) Run was way better then I expected. I could so do a half marathon, maybe not right now...but eventually. I actually really enjoyed it and that was the part I was thinking about throughout the swim and the bike. I've never done a brick workout of more than 3.5 miles, so 5 seemed like a lot. But the scenery was gorgeous, I was nice and warmed up by then and it was actually fun! :) I had some steam left in the engine at the end. And I didn't walk up this massive hill that practically everyone in front of me walked up. So overall it went pretty well. I wanted to keep it under 2 hours, missed that target by a bit (2:15 and some change) but I survived in one piece and my shins didn't bother me at all, nor do they bother me now! :)

Friday, September 26, 2008


I realize this race is for charity and all, but I'm still gonna be pissed if I get up at all the way down there and end up running a 5 mile race. I'm all for doing the whole thing, but I can't see them making the decision to let us swim in the ocean with the tropical storm and flooding warnings I'm reading about right now. Guess we'll just have to see what happens. Got my transition bag all packed and loaded. Just have to throw my bike on the rack in the morning and I'm all set! :) Nerves are starting to act up. Been so busy this week I haven't really had much time to think about it, but now its hitting me. Nerves are good though, I'm gonna need that adrenaline rush! Got a good night sleep last night, fortunately because I probably won't sleep that much tonight. Hubby is taking the kiddo up to visit his parents so I'll have to house to myself when I get back, I think a nice hot shower and a nap will be in order. :) Picked up my favorite recovery drink from Walmart...choc milk. I'm so not even worried about going fast for this one, I just want to make it through in one piece. I picked up a really cute long sleeve jersey on the way home! Not sure if it will do much good as I'll probably be soaked anyhow, but pretty sure the usual spandex and sports bra number isn't going to cut it. Tried to pick something that would be "easier" to get on while wet. Plus this way I can just throw all my gel blocks and stuff in the back pocket. Just had to had this cute picture of my future triathlete! :)

Rainy Friday


Old picture...but fits my mood today! :) Bad ass! ;)

I keep waiting for the email saying my race has been canceled but so far nothing! Hey I'm game! Am a little nervous about biking in a downpour, more concerned about slippery roads. Have been a bit skittish ever since my crash. But I'm antsy and a race is the perfect solution. I'm still trying to shake this cold. Wed I felt icky all day, came home, canceled my horseback riding lesson and went straight to bed. Woke up in the middle of the night feeling sick to my stomach and tossed and turned for the rest of the night. Thursday woke up still feeling slightly sketchy, but then my friend Kim called to see if I wanted to ride and I was like eh maybe. So I hopped in a quick shower, dropped the kid at daycare and went. Not much can keep me off my bike these days. I was actually happy to see that I felt ok. Did somewhere between 30 and 40 miles. And today I feel awesome! My throat is still sore. But hey maybe it will go away by tomorrow. I had no intention of tapering this week, but it sort of just happened. It makes me antsy as hell to start off with, but by the end of the week I'm ready to go!

And they better not cancel this thing, because I'm totally ready to pound it out. :) Now I just need to go put together a lesson plan for this class I'm teaching this morning. Sort of a last minute thing, so I don't have anything together. Hmmm I'm thinking maybe a little bit of kickboxing! :) Off to watch FitTV, my latest source of inspiration...that and youtube of course...hehe This is what is going to keep me going today! I love my coffee mug!


Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Piddled around a bit....

Was very hard to not run today. I feel tense and when I feel tense I run and I run long. So freaking tempted to hop on the treadmill, but alas my running shoes were still on my shelf at home so I couldn't. Probably shouldn't, but when has that ever stopped me in the past. Also no need to blow out before this weekend. If its going to happen why not at a race?! Ok maybe that isn't the smartest thinking...but its the last tri of the season. I have to whole winter to dwell on bad decisions right?! I did 5 minutes on the Arc Trainer, stretched tons, then walked for like 15 minutes. Def didn't hit the spot. Then I did some really light abs work. Total workout wash. :P Man I want to run. Well atleast I'll be really fresh for the race. Did another cardio workout and some weights later on. This girl that I signed up last week came in and was feeling a bit overwhelmed, so I took about an hour with her doing different Cardio machines and then doing some weights. I love my job! :) Too bad it doesn't pay more. Was totally on a roll today though, sold three memberships and toured some other people. Tommorrow I get to teach Boomers again and also go through a workout with another new member. Good times! :) Now I need to go put together a routine for the boomers tomorrow. And relax....with a nice...wait for it....cup of tea. A beer sounds so much cooler, but have vowed to lay off the sweets and alkie for the next week and be a health nut. Any situation that involves me strutting around in spandex for an extended period of time (despite the fact that my abs are already dynamite) always motivates me to cut back a bit. That and I'm still trying to ditch the cold. My throat is no longer sore, but I still feel a bit icky. Was planning on riding tomorrow, but now I have to be in to work at 10 to go over the 28 minute workout with this girl and then I have to teach Boomers at that may not happen. And then there's horseback riding in the evening. So I think that should be enough of a workout. Thursday I am def cycling though. :) :)

Monday Monday

Had a strength training session on the books for today, but since I decided to sign up for that race on Sunday I just did an easy 20 minute run. My shins are still a bit tight, but I iced them after the run hopefully they don't flare up again. Probably wasn't smart to sign up for a race, but damnit I want to and the season is basically over. Fuck the shins, I can recover over the winter. Not sure what I am going to do today. Tomorrow with probably bike and swim.

Sunday, September 21, 2008


My sister got here late Friday night, so we went to the gym together Saturday morning. Had some leg work planned and also did a 15 minute warm up run to test out my legs. They feel good.

Stiff Leg Deadlift
Lying Hamstring Curl
Smith Machine Squat
Sissy Squat
Leg Extension
Leg Press
Calf Raise
1 leg calf raise with ball

So I spent a good part of the evening and this morning trying to find a race to do next weekend. I have the Wrenthem Duathlon planned for the end of October but I really wanted to do something sooner. Finally came across one on Saturday, ITPman (.5S, 15B, 5R) a bit nervous about the 5 mile run. But I figure if it isn't terrible maybe I'll just go ahead and sign up for the half ironman in Providence next July. So my plan this week is going to change a bit. Instead of doing weights almost everyday, I am going to back off and do some light cardio with race intensity intervals. I don't have to go into work until 1 on Wed and Thursday, so I'll bike on those days. Or maybe I'll swim on one and do an easy bike Friday morning. Am really excited about racing on Saturday! :) Love the tingly nervousness in my stomach. I'm recovering from a bit of a cold that I woke up with on Thursday. Started with a sore throat that I thought was just allergies and rolled into a full blown cold on Saturday. I've been drinking herbal immune boosters since Friday evening though and it seems to be working as my throat is only mildy sore and otherwise I feel fine. Took today off, since I had a sore throat this morning and my muscles were still achy. Want to be good and healthy for the race this weekend as it will probably be my last triathlon this season! :)

Friday, September 19, 2008


Was supposed to do hamstrings and calves workout today, but ended up getting totally shit faced last yeah the workout didn't happen. Was not planning on drinking that much at all, good thing I didn't drive. Although if I had I probably wouldn't have had that much, so maybe I should have. Anyhow...a girls got to have fun occasionally right?! SO yeah tomorrow or Sunday hamstrings and calves it is. And maybe a run too. I haven't run in almost 2 weeks thanks to these shin splints. I tried running earlier on in the week, but I still felt pretty I figured I'd give it a few more days and try again. This month is just flying by. Its ridiculous! :) We turned over the keys for the old place today, so that is one less thing to stress out about! My sister is coming to visit, she should be arriving shortly. Am really excited as I haven't seen her in almost a year. Can't believe it has been that long. I think I'm coming down with a cold, my throat has been sore for the past two days. I went out and picked up some of that immune booster crap. If I start taking it the minute symptoms set it, it seems to work. Or maybe its just a placebo effect, either way I don't care...I can't get a cold.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


This was supposed to be an off day, but I just couldn't sit still. Sat in on another Boomers class so I could get a feel for it and also got to show a gastric bypass patient the cardio machines. So I ended up getting about an hour/hour and a half easy workout. Will just call it a recovery workout since I "tried" to take it easy. I was practically bouncing off the walls, so I had to do something. Tomorrow I'm going for an easy 30-40 mile bike in the morning and then its off to work again! :) Good week!

Bis and Tris

Tuesday 16 September

Bench Dips
Tricep Kickbacks
Rope Pulldown
Hammer Curls
Concentration Curls
Anterior Raise

6-8 reps of each x3, with a heavier weight. Trying to put some mass on! :)

Pike Crunches
Hanging Abs

Fun workout! Worked out with Kelly and Bobby, tried out this really bizarre move where you grab a hold of the hanging abs bar pull yourself into a pull up position and whip your legs up in the air in a V shape and then pulse. Insane! :)

Chest and Shoulders

Monday 15 September

Seated dumbbell shoulder press
Bent over lat raise
dumbbell lat raise
clean and press (superset)
one arm flat bench dumbbell press
Bosu Push up
Incline Bench rear delt raise

Another awesome workout!

I also sat in on the Boomers Aerobics class, which I get to teach on Friday and Monday! :) Wee!


Sunday 14 September

Or rather quads! :) Awesome workout! I'm using this period of non-running to focus more on weights (got to put a positive spin on shin splints somehow right?!) SO here's the workout:

Leg Extension 8 Reps
Smith Machine Squat 8 reps

1 set of each, immediately following previous x 3

Sissy Squat (wicked kewl move) 8 reps
Leg Press 8 reps

1 set of each, immediately following previous x 3

I really enjoyed this workout, it was short but sweet. I felt like superwoman afterwards! I followed this up with some abs work:

bent over row
reverse crunch
leg raises

Friday, September 12, 2008

Another day, another ride!

I had a 30 mile ride all mapped out, but by the time I dropped the kid off at daycare and got back home there just wasn't enough time. SO it ended up being another short ride, probably around 16. I love the long flat stretch on Sandy Hallow, the crisp air and the fact that there was no one on the road except me, surrounded on both sides by water and pine trees. It's the last bit of flat before it's mostly uphill and home again. I'm not a big fan of the New England winter, but cool crisp fall mornings I do like. I should bring my camera along next time and take a few pictures. Once I got showered up, I headed off to Kelley's Pace for some new running shoes. Tried on numerous pairs and finally ended up going with a pair of Sauconies. Was torn between the ones I got and a pair of Adidas. The guy at the shop was really nice, so I'll def be going back there next time. Plus they had a bunch of cute tri gear. Can't wait to start ordering winter biking gear! :) As soon as our account recovers from this move, biking shoes are going to be my next upgrade. And def some arm warmers and shoe covers, just to make sure I really look like a cycling nerd. Really wish I'd known there was such a shop in the area when I overnighted my wetsuit back in June. I was toying with the idea of signing up for a race next weekend, but I think I'm just going to have to wait a few days and see how my shin is. Granted I'd have the whole winter to recover if I screwed things up royally....but eh why be stupid. There's pain you push through and there's pain that you listen to. Still playing with the half ironman idea as well. Daycare is going well for the kiddo, he didn't cry when I dropped him off I could prob figure out a way to increase the hours I can dedicate to training. Right now 4 or 5 hours is a tough week and I'd have to double that.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Good Day!

Finally a workout! Wanted to do a longer ride, but ended up doing only 16. The girl I rode with was racing this weekend. Was on the hilly side though and I tried to do it at a fast-ish pace. ( I realize that's not really a word). Am toying with the idea of signing up for a half next year. I love the chills of fear running down my spine at the idea of actually registering and paying the $200 fee. Since I can't run, I plan on getting up and biking 20 tomorrow morning. Then I'm going to try and make it out to the shoe store and get some new running shoes.

A Wash

So yeah yesterday was a complete wash. Hopped on the treadmill and owwy. Shooting pain up my left calf. Actually come to think of it this entire week has basically been a wash as far as my cardio goes. 20 minutes of light running just isn't going to cut it. Am def going out for a bike today, if not a group ride with some girls I met recently than on my own. And boy is it chilly out this morning. SO now I need to go out and buy new running shoes and winter cycling gear. Brrr!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Shin Splints

I really want to get out there and do a LSD run today, but I'm concerned about my shins. I'm wondering if it is indeed my shoes, because I did my first LSD of 50 minutes with them last week and bam here we are. I can't remember if they were bugging me before or after the trail run. Grrr....I should have just gone out and gotten the exact same shoes I've been wearing. If I do nothing today, I'm just going to be incredibly restless and feel like a lazy ass. Hmmm maybe I should just do weights. I am riding later on tonight, which I haven't gotten to do in like three weeks. Horseback riding is not exactly an intense cardio workout, but whatcha gonna do. Decisions, decisions...I realize this is not exactly life or death....but I'm already itchin to run and its not even 7:30. I'd bike, but I wanted to do a long ride tomorrow. And I'm not really in the mood for a repeat of last week. This is starting to sound a bit like a whine fest. Guess I'll just run and see how I feel. I could also do it on the treadmill, that way if its really painful I can just hop off. I need to curb this sweet tooth. I've been wanting to get back to clean eating and I just can't seem to lay off the beer and sugar. My abs looks pretty good, but I want to see if I can take this a step further. Not that I want a six pack, but some more defintion would be nice.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Super Kate :)

Yesterday was another arms day...well arms/chest/shoulders/abs/back...

Lat raises
Ant Raises
Hammer curls
Military press
Bent over single arm rows
Concentration Curls
Tricep dips
Twist crunch
Reverse crunch
Bodyball pushups

I know there was some more stuff in there, but can't remember exactly what right now. After that it was a nice easy 20 min run (ok prob more of a jog). My inner calf has been bugging me since my trail run on Sunday. Hopefully not shin splints. It's feeling a bit better today. Wanted to get a bike in, but it didn't happen. If nothing else I wanted to get on the stationary bike after work, but unfortunately the power went out so that didn't happen either. So today ended up being an off day. Probably a much needed one, but it sorta throws off my schedule. Anyways...tomorrow is going to be another long day at work. Hopefully I can get a long ride in Thursday or Friday as this weekend is going to be a wash what with moving and all. Am really bummed I won't be able to make the Saturday Ladies group ride yet again. Would be a bit rude to up and leave when everyone has driven down here to help out. :( Will be glad to get moved into the new house. One less thing to stress over. The kiddo seems to be adjusting to daycare. He was pretty upset when I dropped him off today. He clung to me like a little monkey. Was quite distressing. But they said he wasn't upset for too long and he isn't acting out in the evening. I get lots of big hugs when I get home from work. :) I love hugs from my monkey boy.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Down and Dirty!

Fabulous run! Was worried my legs would have trouble doing a trail run after this week, but I actually felt really really good. I thought it would be a nice short 20 minute run, but suddenly realized I was pushing 40 minutes. Not sure where the time went, guess time flies when you're having fun! :) Felt great to come home covered in mud and sweat, before the majority of the world has even had their Sunday morning coffee. After that it was a quick shower and off to meet the in laws for breakfast. I haven't eaten that much in one sitting in a while, but gotta refuel so this body can recover after a bitchin week of training! :) Don't want to go losing 10 lbs in 2 weeks again. Despite the chow fest, my abs are still looking pretty rockin!


Didn't get upperbody weights done on Friday, so went in yesterday to do it!

Tricep Dips (3x12)
Tricep Kickbacks (3x8)
Hammer Curls (3x12)
Isolated Curls (3x12)
pushups (3x10)
military press (3x12)
Lat. Raises (3x12)
Ant. Raises (3x12)

This is the first week in a while that I've been consistent with weight training and boy does it show. I feel so weak. Also I haven't been in this much pain after a week of training, in a while. That part feels good. I needed to kick it up a notch. Ran a bit yesterday. Was feeling tense and that always relaxes me. My quads and hams were feeling super tight, walking up and down stairs is difficult right now. :) I want to do a trail run this morning. Legs are still iffy, but I haven't done one in a while. Its bound to me be nice and muddy out there after yesterdays rain. Perfect! If I don't get it done this morning, not sure if it will happen. Its the sister in laws birthday so we are meeting everyone up at Cracker Barrel for a late breakfast. Well off I go! :)

Friday, September 5, 2008

Burning Quads!

Am total masochist...against all good judgment I biked yesterday. Took an ice bath and an icy cold shower to get me out there. My husband def thinks I'm nuts now. As I'm letting the icy cold water hit my legs, he comes into the bathroom and says "didn't you already shower?" I then proceed to explain to him about my sore muscles. His response being, "don't you think maybe you should just take the day off?" Pass on a ride because of a bit of soreness?! Who me?! Even a flat tire before the ride couldn't deter me. Very slow ride, but def served a purpose. Biking on tired legs is good experience right?! Couldn't handle another ice bath last night. Probably should have, but was too tired. Took nice hot shower instead, much more pleasant. Probably not as beneficial, but hey was going to be in pain today either way. Legs have def earned a day off. Will probably go in and do upper body weights. Had a trail run on today's schedule, but will def do that one tomorrow. On second thought though, just remembered we are supposed to get torrential downpour tomorrow. Maybe Sunday then?! I've rocked it this week as far as training goes! Am feeling really good. :)

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

All Legs!

Was supposed to bike at 7 this morning, but the kiddo didn't wake up so I ignored the alarm. Finally got out there around 1ish. Fast and Flat 14 miles, last 3 was pretty hilly (but that's unavoidable...only way to get back home). Got some good sprint intervals in there. Going to rest up for a bit now and head off to the gym for some leg work. Here's the plan:

Dumbbell Lunges (3x10)
Hack Squat with Body Ball (3x10)
Pendulum Lunges (my fav) (3x10)
Calf Raises with dumbbell (3x10)
Plie Squat (3x12)
Split Squat (3x10)
Seated Leg Curl (3X10)

added some abs in there too, since it got cut a bit short yesterday...
crunches (3x20)
plank (3 x 30sec)

Legs feel a bit like jello right now....def need an ice bath. Got invited on another ride tomorrow might be making that two ice baths. One now and one in the morning. Don't need to get my ass handed to me.

Trial by Error

Figured out what was wrong with my bike, guess I tightened the bolts a tad too much and threw off the tension/suspension. Didn't realize it was possible to do it too tight. Good to know though! The guy at the LBS showed me how to see if it was too tight by lifting up the bike and looking at the front wheel. Not sure if I'll be able to repeat that, but next time at least I'll know what the problem is. Yesterdays workout was a 15 minute jog to loosen up and then arms/abs/shoulders. Today will be my first ride with the lowered handlebars.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Making the Cut

Now that I'm basically in the "off season", am debating doing Jillian Michael's 30 day making the cut strength training regime. Gave me some really nice definition before. Still thinking maybe I want to do at least one more race though. Just not sure which one or when. Am really enjoying riding with the girls on Saturday and if I had a race on Sunday I prob couldn't do that....unless I didn't go hard during the race and just counted it as another training day with no taper. That's a thought...I have a song stuck in my head...Hinder "Lips of an Angel". It was ok at first, but now is getting a bit irritating. Watched Army Wives marathon last night. Been a while since I watched that much tv. Normally I can't focus for long enough. All these long workouts are having a sweet calming effect. Two more weeks and my long run will finally reach the hour marker! Maybe I'll go sign up for a 10K. Also there are two duathlons that I'm considering...TTD and Wrenthem. Will be weird not to swim first though.

Monday, September 1, 2008

The Week in Short!

Well since no one else is....I will! :) Maybe you all will follow suit! Pretty uneventful. Worked Mon, Tuesday for a few hours. Wed went over to a friends house for mango margaritas! Lots of good girly chat. Also went to check out our new house. All looks good, nice new carpet. No weird curry or pet smells present. Always a plus. Thursday went for a nice short run, first workout post crash. All went well! Felt really good. Shoulder was a bit stiff Friday morning. Took Friday off from the gym. Wanted to make sure I had my legs for Saturdays long ride. Somehow got talked into working a few hours on Sat and Sunday. Went for awesome ride on Saturday! Best day of week by far! Sprinted last stretch of the ride. Never felt better! Worked Sunday....came home chilled out, drank beer....and there you have it. Now I'm not even sure why I wrote this blog. Very boring indeed. Mind as well include today as well. Connor woke up screaming bloody murder in the middle of the night, when he finally got back to sleep he slept til 9am! Wicked cool! Got up, went to gym. Long 50 minute run, maybe a bit more as I had to keep hopping off for pee breaks. Damn bladder. Thats my new excuse for why I keep doing long runs indoors, when its so nice outside. I always feel icky for the first 20 or so, but once I get stretched out properly I could just run on and on. Esp when I get really into the angry music on my ipod. Now am sitting here drinking beer and thinking about starting trying to finish all the Bass in the fridge. Then I'll have a good excuse to go pick up some Amstel Light, which I've decided is my new drink of choice. So there we go....and now off to make some yummy chicken parm for dinner.

Always on the Run!

Another treadmill run.....I usually hate running on the treadmill, but can't seem to tear myself away lately. I think its because I'm trying to save my legs for biking, because I'm enjoying those the most lately. That's my story and I'm sticking to it! :) Did a 50 and some change minute run today. Had to keep getting off the treadmill for pee breaks. Bloody annoying small bladder. I started out on my bike ride yesterday and there is def something up with my bike. The fork and handlebar stem are wobbly. Tried tightening up the bolts and screws, but it didn't make any difference....So I'm going to have to take it back in and get that checked out tomorrow. If they were open today, I'd be going today.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Ice Baths

Those babies work wonders! I am feeling great today! So great that I think I'm going to go out for a short recovery spin. I lowered my handlebar again. I still don't feel totally comfortable making adjustments to my bike, I have this fear that I'm going to screw up and the whole thing will fall apart when I get on it. I just need to eat something before I head out. Yummy sweet potato fries are in the oven. Worked both days this weekend and I'm don't have to go in again until Thursday! :)

Saturday, August 30, 2008

That Felt Gooood!

Awesome bike ride with the girls! Got off to a bit of a late start, but we ended up riding for about 1hr 40 mins and covered about 26-27 miles. I was worried I'd be really stiff and sore, but I felt fabulous! I sprinted the last couple of miles and it was freaking wicked! I love riding down on my drops. Who the heck needs Aerobars anyhow?! Boy am I a bear when I haven't had a good ride. I had all this pent up energy, now I feel completely relaxed! Chocolate Chip Cookies are cooling and I am def in need of an ice bath. Its going to be a long week and I plan on hitting the training hard! Life is freaking sweet!

Friday, August 29, 2008

Bike Porn

Hot Gear I droll over....

Not necessarily hot...but cute for sure

on to the hot stuff....



Xenith T2


Felt DA

Orbea Ordu

Sweeet Bikes! :) Did I mention that I'm going out for a ride tomorrow! Wee....can't wait to fly down those hills again! I love that feeling...whooosh! I took a short ride around my neighborhood earlier today, once I got my baby back home. Went flying down a few hills, just to see if I was afraid. Whoossh! Ahhh its good to be back! Saw this quote today and liked it....Life is short, play hard and get dirty doing it! I think that about sums it up!

Too funny....

Thinking about peeing while running made me think about this article, yeah I know I'm weird.


Hopped on a treadmill yesterday and ran....finally! I felt like a racehorse let out of the box. I def could have kept going for 45-50 minutes, but I decided I'd better take it easy my first day back. Not sure for how long or how far I ran, had to hop off the treadmill to pee...peeing while running during a race may be cool, however peeing while running on a treadmill while at the gym...def not cool. Plus I want to get back on my bike today, just as soon as I pick it up from the shop. My shoulder joints are feeling a little sore today. But other than that I'm great! Hubby has the next week off, so we can finally get some stuff done. We are moving in two weeks! Totally not ready at all. Ok how the hell do I get the italics off. Didn't even know I could do that. So the rest of this post is just going to be in italics...niice! Soooo things to do paycheck, return library books, check out daycare options, pick up bike! I really want to do the group ladies ride tomorrow, hopping I'll be up for it. Not sure if it is the smartest thing to do. But hey no pain, no gain right?!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Planned Training (in the works)

This is all provided my run tonight goes well!

Thursday-run (nice and easy)
Fri-run (nice and easy)
Sat-morning yoga, potential group bike ( with the members of my Road 1 Class)
Sun-run (nice and easy)
Sat-30+mile group ride

Goals for next season

As the end of the race season is coming fast, I've been thinking about some of my training goals for the winter.

1) Increase average bike speed for sprint distance races to 20mph (at 18 right now)
2) Have a sub 8 minute mile for sprint distance run (right now my PR is 26:06 for 3 mile run). Would love to have a 7:30 pace.
3) Be able to complete a Olympic distance course
4) Work on transitions

Not sure how ambitious these goals are, but now there they are in writing. I've made huge improvements this season. Going from a person who struggled to run for 2 minutes at a time, to someone who can now run for 45 minutes straight with decent form. I've been told that I look like a gazelle when I run! ;) And I have to admit that when I look at myself in the mirror while running, I do look pretty damn good. I'm happy with my swim times, while I know there is room for improvement...I def think that with a higher level of fitness my times will drop. After all, I'm a swimmer first. I've gotten three invitations to go on bike rides this weekend, stinks because I'm not sure if I'll be able to go on any of them. My bike is still in the shop. Last time I heard all it needed was a new wheel, so that's hope that still stands. It has been gorgeous this week, every time I go out for a drive I want to ride instead. Its amazing how fast all my scraps have healed. As soon as hubby gets back from his drink with the guys I'm heading out for a run! I'd love to run for 45 again, but I guess it all depends how stiff I am. This will be my first workout post crash.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Restless again...

Haven't worked out since my 5 minute bike ride on Saturday and I'm really getting restless here. The ER doc said to take 4 or 5 days off, but I'm not nearly as stiff and sore as I was yesterday. So maybe I'll try to get in a walk of some sort tomorrow sometime. We have an appointment to view our new house tomorrow morning, I'm babysitting in the afternoon, and then I'm going out with a few girls from work in the evening. Hopefully I can fit it in there somewhere though. Still no word on my bike, think I might call the shop tomorrow and see what the deal is. I want to get back on as soon as I can, you know what they say about getting back on the horse. Don't want fear to get to me. I already did my two days at work this week, so I'm all set there.

Monday, August 25, 2008

I got a kick out of this one...

Ben's Top Ten Transition Tips

by Ben Greenfield on August 20, 2008 in Triathlon Training

10) Do: Squirt any slippery cream, vaseline, or lotion product inside your bike or run shoes, to make your foot slip n' slide right in during transition. Don't (guys): Use your wife's new and expensive Pomegranate-Vanilla Body Crème.

9) Do: Let the zipper pulley string on the back of your wetsuit hang free, as it's easier to grab as you run out of the swim. Don't: Grab other people's free-hanging zipper pulley strings as you swim past them.

8) Do: Leave your bike shoes attached to your bike pedals and perform a barefoot mount as you pass the mount line. Don't: Go bragging to your neighboors that you're a "barefoot mounter" - they won't know what you mean
and will likely be very concerned.

7) Do: Keep your hands free by leaving your cap and goggles on until after you've removed at least the upper part of your wetsuit. Don't: Keep the goggles on the rest of the race to save time in transition and money on sunglasses.

6) Do: Run through transition prior to the race to practice spotting your bike. Don't: Hang helium balloons from your bike, paint your bike neon colors, or rip your car alarm out of your car, hang it on your bike handlebars, and activate it as you run through transition.

5) Do: Wear your heart rate monitor, watch, and race belt under your wetsuit to save time. Don't: Wear your bike helmet under your swim cap to also save time.

4) Do: Put your sunglasses inside your helmet so you can easily locate them. Don't: Forget that you did this and put your helmet on, then run around transition screaming if anyone has seen your sunglasses.

3) Do: Roll your socks down so that your feet slip into them more quickly.
Don't: Squirt that lotion stuff into your socks.

2) Do: Test the tension on those brand new elastic shoelaces by actually putting your feet into your shoes before the race. Don't: Go to the medical tent if your feet become stuck inside the elastic-equipped shoes - just remain calm and cool and pour boiling water on the shoes to stretch out the elastic laces and free your feet.

1) Do: Go to that same soft, grassy golf course and practicing dismounting from your bike while leaving the shoes attached to the pedals. Don't: Go into the clubhouse and complain about people shooting balls at you while you're trying to ride your bike, darn it.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Vicodin and Chinese Food

Somebody just shoot me now! Hubby took the kiddo and went up to visit his mom, so I've just been lying around sleep and watching girly movies all day. Took some vicodin when I first woke up around 4 am and haven't taken any since. Finally got so stir crazy around 5pm that I headed out to Target for more gauze and the local Chinese take out place for dinner. It's been a while but I think I deserve it tonight, that and I'm way too stiff and sore to think about cooking anything. It took me until 11am to get off my behind and make myself a sandwich. Hubby was nice enough to pick up munchins and coffee from DD. But massive amounts of sugar and caffeine do not count as breakfast in my mind. But the gesture was really really sweet. Makes me remember why I married this guy.

Wipe Out!

Had my first major wipe out yesterday! I was more bummed that it happened in the beginning of the ride and I couldn't finish it then anything. That would have been my 2nd 30 + mile ride instead I ended up spending 3 hours in the ER getting looked over. My helmet did it's job though ( the part where my head hit the ground is split)! All the damage is superficial though, no broken bones or concussions! So wear your helmets' people!! It happened so fast, my front wheel got stuck in a groove in the road and I flipped over the handle bars and rolled a few times. Fortunately, my bike is tire blew and I may need a new wheel...but other then that all is good. The pictures I took before heading off to get check out def don't do my injuries justice esp now that all the bruising has set in. :)



Wipe Out!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Going Biking Tomorrow!

Told my boss that I am leaving at three tomorrow, so I can get out for a group ride. He seriously either better have found someone to close or come in himself. Because I am leaving at 3. Perhaps I'll have to start calling him at 2 and harass him until he caves and comes in. Because damnit I need a workout. A nice long 2 hour one. One that I will wake up from at 4 in the morning in agony from. Yeah I know...I'm nuts. I'm not even going to deny it. On another note, I weighed myself the other day and realized I've gone down 10 lbs in the last 2 weeks. A bit scary. So I stuffed myself with food and drank lots of water today. My appetite finally came back...thank goodness. Turns out all I needed to do was go out shopping and just throw whatever looked appealing into the cart. Namely those little tuna luncheon packs, peanut butter, whole wheat pitas, dried dates and apples.....ok off to bed now as 6:30 will come way to early...and the kiddos wakeup call at 5:3o even sooner.


Well I was going to get a workout in this morning, before I had to go and babysit for a friend...but yeah that didn't happen. The kiddo, who is usually happy as a clam in the daycare at the gym screamed bloody murder the second I tried to leave him. WTH?????? Not a good sign. How am I ever going to get my workouts in when hubby leaves. I'm going to have to buy a treadmill in addition to a trainer. I really really hope this is just a new phase and that it ends soon. Although something tells me it will probably just get worse when hubby leaves. Feeling totally bummed out now. I had a nice arms/shoulders/abs/back routine planned out and now I'm just feeling more stressed out. Grrr....

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Longest Run So Far!

Weee! I ran for 45 minutes last night. That would be my longest run to date. Normally around the 25-30 minute mark I start suffering big time. But last night I felt awesome! I really had a good rhythm going and my form was great. Don't think I've ever felt that good during a long run. I almost felt like I could keep going and was tempted to just run for a full 60 minutes, but I didn't want to push it. Restlessness is apparently much better for my training than contentment. No surprise there. I felt sooo much better afterwards, very relaxed. Gone are the days of eating ice cream when I feel stressed out. I've been taking sleeping pills the past few nights in order to get a decent nights sleep and not lie awake all night thinking. My brain just never wants to shut off and shut up. I think sometimes I'm way too intense and life would be ohh so much easier if I just went with the flow. But then maybe I wouldn't have made such huge improvements this past summer. SO in that sense my intensity is a positive thing. But it def adds much more stress to life. I might swim today or I might rest. I want my legs to recover so I can do that long bike this weekend. I picked up a couple of bags of ice on the way home so I'm prepared this time.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


A workout!!! Got in a really short ride yesterday, only 14 miles. My legs still feel heavy. Was a really gorgeous day though! I got some unintentional tire changing experience before setting out. Another blond moment on my part! I was trying to put air in my tires before I set out, but the valve was a bit bent. So I had the bright idea to try and straighten it, broke a few nails then grabbed a random tool from hubby tool box and ended up breaking the whole thing off. Way to go Kate! SO yeah...and it took a lot longer then it should have, here's hoping practice makes perfect. Maybe I need to keep breaking off valves, because I clearly need a lot of practice. At least it didn't happen out on the road though. Was planning on going down to the bike shop and getting another spare tube and some lubricant, but after I got out of the bank I couldn't get the key to turn in the ignition. Something to do with the locking mechanism and the steering wheel. Anyways, so now I have to wait until later on to go workout. Ugh...I really needed that run. I'm feeling super antsy lately. Nothing a nice 40 minute run won't cure though. Hopefully....I'm not hungry and I have been sleeping like crap. WTH is my problem????

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Non Training Log

Well I really haven't done much in the way of training since the race on Saturday. I went for a super short 15 min jog on Sunday. Yesterday I was going to swim, but was feeling beat and then had to go into work a bit early. Hoping to get a bike in today!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Bayside Triathlon

This race (which I signed up for on a whim a couple of days after my so called A race) really should have been my A race, because I rocked it! :) For the past couple of races I've been trying to psych myself out beforehand by believing it was possible to make top 3 in my AG and what do you know it actually worked. Left the house at 4:30 am for the hour or so drive up to Barrington, RI. I have a tendency to get lost when going places I'm not familiar with, so I wanted to give myself plenty of extra time. Got to the course a little after 6 am. Was a really good thing I was super early, because we had to drop our stuff off at the site then drive down the road a good ways to park. My stomach was playing games with me this morning and I was quite a bit more nervous that I had been for my previous races. I think it was because this is the first race I've had to drive to by myself. Too much time to think!

I got knocked around quite a bit in the swim and I'm pretty sure I touched a jelly fish or maybe two. Coming out of the water, we had a nice (ok not so nice) jog up the beach.

.5 mile swim 13:17 ( this was a Firm race, so I don't think it was quite a half mile, but judging from some of my other times this was probably pretty close) 3rd in AG, 88th OA

T1 2:39 Yay! Finally got this part down. :)

For the first portion of the bike I kept trying to chase down this other chick in my age group, who I dubbed thunder thighs. I lost track of her eventually, but it was a good way to keep pace. Averaged 18.2 miles/hour.

12 mile bike 39:49 (2nd in AG)

T2 1:00 (could def get this under a minute)

Felt really great going out onto the run course, actually had some spring in my step instead of feeling wobbly. I kept my pace up by alternating sprinting and recovery (like in my speed workouts). Normally I'm just trying to survive the run.

3 mile run 26:06

Total Time: 1:22:53, 2nd in my AG! :)

It turned out to be a good thing I went by myself, although it would have been cool to have my hubby and kiddo there. I don't think he would have survived long enough for me to get my cool little medal!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

I'm Tapering...enter at your own risk

I think I need a shirt or a special sticker with the above message. I mean I know it's only been four days, but stuff that wouldn't usually bother me just seems to really get to me the week before a race. I am sooo ready to pound the pavement. My only workout today was horseback riding. I did my boss a favor and went in to work for two hours and then headed over to BJs to pick up a few things. And before that I spent the morning hanging out at Bluff Point with the little monster...opps I mean my son. Who has for one reason or another recently turned into a cling-on. Then we had lunch at Panera Bread. So all in all a very good day. Except for the obvious lack of physical activity. I was left with this huge high from my workout on Saturday and now I feel like I've just been dropped off a cliff. Anywho...time to go shower (gotta get rid of the horse/barny smell), maybe make some chocolate muffins, and pack up my race bag as I won't have time to do it tomorrow or Friday since I'm working. Totally weird to be doing a race on Saturday.

Monday, August 11, 2008


"Monday, hard to wake up, got my coffee cup, I'm out the door....gotta be something more!" This song is totally stuck in my head. It rings a few bells though... There's just something about taper weeks. I was on my way to a park play date this morning, nearly got run off the road by a huge dump truck and ended hitting a huge boulder, blowing a tire...needless to say I didn't make the play date. Fortunately, I broke down right next to a playground, so I let the kiddo play while I waited for hubby to be done at work so he could come change the tire. Made me realize that that's just one more thing I really need to know how to do. Or at the very least I need to sign up for triple A. That way if hubby is out to sea, I won't be stranded. Looking forward to my workout this afternoon, need to get out and burn some steam. I'm long overdue for a swim...maybe a short run too.

Too much coffee?

Soooo can't sleep. These occasional bouts of insomnia are driving me mad. Also trying to decide if I want to hop into a cold shower, because my legs are still sore. I can't seem to figure out just when the triathlon portion of the Olympics is occurring, I really want to make sure I record it. Anywho....guess I should go take some Valium or something so I can get some sleep. Or at least some ibprofen so I don't wake up at 4 am again with my legs screaming at me.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

The Perfect Saturday!

Well the having to work part and missing yoga not so perfect...but the ending was rather sweet. I went on my first group ride and my second 20+ mile ride....32 miles to be exact. :) Gorgeous day! It was really nice to meet some like minded ladies and I was really happy that not only could I keep pace with them, but I was actually pretty good on the hills. And having a nice cold beer afterwards even nicer! Waking up at 4 am this morning in absolute agony was another story...hehe I really need to get the tub sorted out, so I can take a "nice" ice bath or at least a really really cold bath. Our tub drain refuses to close, I'm pretty sure it has something to do with either all the sand that came off my wet suit or a recent shaving incident. Picked up some Draino at the store today while I was doing food shopping. Josh is on duty, so its just the kid and me. Fortunately, he's taking a nice long nap giving me plenty of time to lay around and be lazy. Which I think I can def afford to be! This week is going to be an easy one, since I've got a race on Saturday!

Well no luck with the draino, even tried taking off all the attachment bits with a screw driver to see if I could figure out what the issue was. But really couldn't get a good look, especially not with my two year old acting as assistant plumber. Hmmm maybe I can try plugging the drain with some kids toys or a washcloth...was really looking forward to that cold bath and maybe a hot bath and some epsom salt to follow. I probably should have at least gone for a light run to stretch out my sore muscles, but really didn't feel up to pushing the jogging stroller. Oh well maybe I can get some yoga stretches in after I put the kiddo to bed. Only another 1 1/2 to go! :)

If I wasn't officially insane already, I think I'm def there now. I'm looking forward to putting the kid in bed so I can hop into a freezing cold bath. Also trying to decide whether to go for a cold beer or a banana split.....

Friday, August 8, 2008

Another day...another race!

I signed up for another race last night! The Bayside YMCA sprint, on August 16th! This is the first race I've done that was on a Saturday. I also tried to sign up for the Madison Tri, but it was full already. Bummed about that, because it looked like a good race! :) I've got another 2 or 3 races I want to do before the season is done with. Depends how many I can afford...hehe :)

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Recovery Week

I feel like I'm recovering a lot faster than in the past. I took a three hour nap after the race, but when I woke up instead of feeling like I'd been hit by a truck I only felt sore.

Monday-easy 20 min run


Tues-random day off....just wasn't working out.
Wed-...itching to get at it today, so hopefully that will bode well for my workout! :) Don't have to work, just horseback riding at 6:45p. Which of course I'm always looking forward to. Really going to miss it when I have to give it up in a month. Hubby is going back to a boat and he just won't be reliable as childcare anymore. Fortunately, I did figure out how I can possibly still work two days a week though! Otherwise I'd probably be carried off by the men in little white coats in a very short period of time.

Made it out for a 30 minute trail run! :) It was pouring the entire first part of the day, which made for a fun yet very muddy run! Good times.

Thurs-45 minute easy bike, nice hilly ride! I always enjoy this loop because I get to cross over a huge lake surrounded by pine trees...very pretty!

Fri-Swim...may end up being another day off as I have to go into work early. Managed to get a run (with speed work) in before work, cut it short at 20 minutes though because my ankle and shin were acting up.

Sat-yoga/long bike...probably no yoga as I have to work, but the the long bike is def in as long as it doesn't pour out. I've been wanting to make it to this group ride for ever now.
Sun-off? DH has we shall see.

Race Day!

Goals: (this was my so called A race) top 10 age group, under 1 hour 30 mins

Reality: 8th in age group, 1:31:34

I'm a bit bummed that I wasn't able to keep it under 1:30, but I'm still really pleased with my times. That was my first ocean swim and I felt like it went really well. I was in the pack of girls first out of the water. Now that was a real half mile swim. All those other races I have to say were def not. They spent a lot of time talking about the large numbers of jelly fish in the water, but fortunately I didn't meet any.

Swim: distance 1/2 mile, 15 minutes even
T1: 5:02 Really need to work on getting my wet suit off faster.

Bike was good. I worked really hard to keep my HR even and my breathing good. Felt very in control. Got passed a lot, but I'm just going to assume that that was because there were so many good bikers that were slower swimmers. Averaged 18mph! Nice increase of 2 mph.

Bike: 12 miles, 40:54

T2: 1:39 Yuck..thought I had it down to under a minute with the last race. Legs were a bit shaky going into T2.

Felt really good going out onto the course. Kept the same pace I did for the last race, even with the additional half mile. I can't help wondering if maybe I should have gone just a bit faster though. Although I'm really happy that I managed to keep the same pace as the last race for a longer distance and my hr didn't sky rocket and my breathing was under control.

run: 3.4 mile run, 29 even



Thursday, July 31, 2008

Taper Week

I've been in such a funk this week. I took Monday and Tuesday off, not intentionally but it just happened. And Wed I had a really crappy run! This does not bode well for my race on Sunday. But today I feel good, I feel ready to rock and roll. I didn't get to work out today either. I have an early morning bike workout planned for tomorrow. Hopefully that will get my spirits back up there. I might run too, just to make up for that crappy run on Wed. Nice and easy of course with some race pace intervals thrown in. I need to get my confidence back. I hate bad runs. I got two enormous cramps and my ribs hurt so bad I couldn't catch my breath.

Rest of the week...

Thursday Pt 2-Really fun trail run! I felt like a deer leaping over rocks and prickle bushes in my way! Covered in mud by the end, but very happy! 20-30 minutes

Friday-Speed work on the bike/swim
Saturday-spent the day at a bike safety course doing all sorts of fun moves like quick stops and immediate turns. Oh yeah and now I know how to change a tire, not quickly but it can be done! :) And I have the grease covered hands to prove it!
Sunday-Brick 20 min bike/20 minute run

Thursday, July 24, 2008


Long and slow it was, not so much in the distance department though. :) Felt really good though! This is only the second time I've run for this long (well the third if you count the first time I ever ran 3 miles). I only covered about 3 miles this time, but somehow I managed to get my HR up to 90% MHR. It was probably only there for the last 5 minutes or so though, because the rest of the run felt pretty relaxed like it was supposed to be. Marathon chick (as I've dubbed her, because she is running when I get there and still running when I leave, plus she just looks like a distance runner...short and lean with skinny arms and no butt) was there, so I tried to watch her to see what she is doing. She is much faster then I and can keep it up for longer, so figured I could pick up some useful tips. I noticed that she seems to run more on the balls of her feet and doesn't really put her entire foot down. I tried copying and noticed that I could get a faster turnover with a lot less effort. Something to keep in mind. Despite having a bad night with the kiddo, I feel really awake this morning. Had to stop at Dunkin Donuts on the way back home, because it was actually the thought of their cinnamon flavored iced coffee that spurred me out of bed this morning. That and that wonderful high I get from running. Its great to know my planned workout is done with and if there is extra time before work I might even be able to get some beach running in. Provided it doesn't start down pouring. A light drizzle I don't mind, but sideways torrential rain and lightening at the beach is probably just asking for trouble! :)

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

To Bring Check List:

Speed Sports Bra Top (wear to race site)
Desoto Tri Shorts (wear to race site)

googles (2 pairs speedo)
swim cap
wet suit
plastic shopping bag ( to get wet suit on with)

Towel for transition area
extra bottle with water for feet and small hand towel
camel pack
bike/weight lifting gloves
Race Belt
Bike Course Map
Socks/running shoes
GU gel (chocolate)
Heed sports drink
extra t-shirt/long sleeve short (in case of cold weather)
Garbage bag (in case of rain)- to cover transition area
extra hair bands/socks
swim cap

Running Hat
Run course map
water bottle

flip flops

Off Day

Well in the absence of a workout to discuss, I figured now is a good time to mention my diet. ( I had a beach run planned today, but then we had some wonderful torrential rain...which was much needed) This is Day 3 of super clean pre-race eating. And so far so good. Despite the fact that hubby brought home loads of unhealthy goodies to tempt with me (not intentionally of course ;), so far I've been strong. Guess I still have some willpower left after all. Tomorrow am will be a 36 min LSD run. Prob on the treadmill as they are predicting more rain. Maybe if it lets up for a bit I can get some beach running in as well. On a completely different note, I wore my tri shorts to swim in yesterday and I happened to notice that when wet they are completely see-through from the behind. Niiice...and here I thought they were wearing well. Guess I'm going to have to buy a new pair soon. I don't really want to have to buy a new pair before this next race, so I'm just going to hope they dry enough by the end of the run to not be see-through. Otherwise the person behind me is going to have a great view throughout the run! :0

Tuesday Bike Work

Long, exhausting day..but I still managed to get a quick workout in before trudging off for an evening at work. Did some speed/hill work on the bike. Glad to see I managed to put my bike back together correctly and nothing fell off on me! :)

Total Time on bike: only 20-25 minutes, but as I keep telling myself quality over quantity. I keep beating myself up because I can't manage to get more then about 3 hours of training in a week (4 if I'm lucky and wake up at the crack ass of dawn everyday...but what with working at the gym till 10:30 every night this doesn't always happen). But then I realized that a lot of my workouts are pretty high intensity ones. So it will all even out in the end. In the off season, when I'm not focusing so much on going body will be able to cope with more volume!

Monday Evening

Got a swim workout in...finally! I was going to make it an open water swim, but one I didn't have time to drive down the beach and two I hate having to pay for parking. So alas it was off to the pool.
100 yard warm up
Drills with kickboard and those floaty things that go between your ankles.
50 fast
more drills
100 y cool down

I felt really good in the water! I despise pool swimming and always try to make excuses to get out of it. But I'm glad that I made myself go. I feel strong this week. I was getting worried, because the heat has really been getting to me lately. But baby I'm back! :) Time to kick some ass. My goal for this race is to keep it under 1:30 despite the fact that there's an extra .5 mile run on the beach. I also want to be in the top 10 for my age group. Time to make it happen! :)

Monday, July 21, 2008

Am Run

Last week was an easy cardio week, so now I'm back and at 'em! I gave my bike a bath over the weekend, it was shifting really rough. So hopefully that will solve the problem. If not I may just have to make a stop at my LBS this week. I need to pick up another bottle holder and some lube anyway. That and I want to inquire about their Saturday women's ride. It would be nice to have at least one friend that understands my obsession with training. I finally signed up for a bike safety/maintenance course at the community center. I really hate being one of those chicks that doesn't know the first thing about her bike. Hell I can't even change a tire. This weekend was the first time I've attempted to take my bike apart. I guess we'll see later on if I put it back together properly. Hopefully a wheel doesn't fall off when I try to ride it. :) When I first got my bike I really didn't like it. It got me around, but that was about it. I secretly mocked it, because it wasn't the bike I desired. But the more I ride it, the more I like it. It's reliable, it has yet to let me down. Since my husband broke his wrist and can't do the upcoming race, he offered to let me ride his bike. Which is a lot lighter, but I'm not sure I want to. I know my bike. That probably sounds a bit bizarre, but despite the fact that my bike is quite a bit heavier. I'm still not sure I want to switch at this point. Anyways, this blog was supposed to be about I suppose I better get back to that. So my am run, 5:30 to be precise. :)

5 min warm up run
5x1 min hill intervals (2 min easy run in between on flat)
1x2 min hill interval
2 min flat
2x 1 min hill intervals
5 minutes easy run (8:30/9 minute pace)
5 min cool down walk

35 minutes total

Felt really good at the end. 8:30min/mile is actually quite a fast pace for me and it still felt relaxed. I didn't check, but my heart felt somewhere around 75% and 80%. And I actually had to work to get it that high. Usually it gets right up there from the start and I have to struggle to keep it down. Was talking with my personal trainer friend Saturday night, discussing how to increase my VO2 max. And she recommending HIIT. Which is what I've been doing all along. So I guess I'm on the right track. I'm def in the mind frame of quality over quantity training. Anywho, for the next three weeks I'll be keeping a really close eye on my diet. All clean eating and no junk. Well except for Dunkin Donuts Coffee. Not sure I could make it through the day without a little caffeine.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Training Week July 7th-13th

I was feeling really wiped out on Monday. This heat is really getting to me. Also my nutrition was crap last week. I decided to take a few easy days, difficult decision but I would hate to blow all this hard work being stubborn.

Monday-Easy 20 minute walk
Tues-530 am easy 20 minute run

Back in the saddle and feeling good again on Tuesday!!

Wed-530am speed workout on indoor trainer
5 min steady w/up
3 min fast as possible (18-20mph)
2 min recovery
3 min fast
2 min recovery
5 minute fast
3 minute cool down

3 mile walk with jogging stroller(with mom's group)

Thurs-open water swim (first time in ocean) (sighting drills)

*note to self do not watch all three Jaws movies before open water workout, was wigging myself out a bit. I've been really bored in the pool and avoiding my swim workouts, so I decided I needed to change things up a bit. I'm a complete wuss when it comes to cold water though. It was 80 + degrees outside and I still felt the need to wear my wetsuit. No the water wasn't 80 degrees but you'd think it would atleast be refreshing.

20 minutes bike-relatively flat course on indoor trainer
90-100 rpm

36 minute endurance run

HR 80% range almost entire time (did immediately following cadence workout on bike)\

Saturday and Sunday-off (as am working entire weekend)

May try and fit in longer ride outside one evening! :)

Thursday, July 3, 2008

A Triathlete's Mini Break

So hubby has a long weekend and I managed to talk my work into giving me the weekend off as well. And....guess what we're doing...hehe drumroll.....going to a race. We got a hotel room and we are driving up Saturday to hang out at the lake and check out the bike course. I'll be playing the role of supportive spouse this weekend, since hubby has done it for me twice before. I think it will be interesting to see it from a different angle, but it also might be difficult to not be out there competing. So yeah...good times! :)

June 30th-July 6th

Monday-run (speed workout)
Tuesday-swim (endurance workout) + abs/back/chest weights
Wed-bike workout (speed) + arms
Thursday-run (endurance)
Friday-bike (endurance)

Monday- 5:40a run workout (speed)
  • 5 min w/u
  • 5 min 10 min mile
  • 5 min 8 min mile
  • 2 min @ 9 min mile
  • 1 min @ 8 min mile
  • 1 min @9 min mike
  • 1 min @ 10 min mile
  • 5 min c/d
Total=30 minutes
stretch before and after

  • headed out to pool to do 4 x 400y (30s r/i), only to find pool is closed for rest of week for maintenance
  • did abs/back/chest workout before work
body ball pushups
scorpion pushups
back extension
toe touch crunch
dead lift
plank twist

Wed- DH didn't make it home in time for me to get workout in, put me in somewhat foul mood. Felt like a lazy ass.

Thursday-(need to make up Wed workout plus get in endurance run)
planning on finding nice flat course to do some bike speed work and then doing a 33 minute trail run.

Awesome workout! Did a 40 minute bike, with speed work and some hill work at the end (as I had to ride down it to get to the flat area and figured it would just be silly to drive to the flat portion to do the speed work). Then did a 33 minute trail run! Really nice run! :) Felt exhausted, but accomplished!

Friday-First 20+ mile bike!!! Very hilly ride. Legs felt a bit like jello afterwards. I was really glad I had that bag of ice in the freezer! Hmmmm ice baths! :)

Saturday and Sunday- off, had a nice easy swim in the hotel pool with the kiddo. Enjoyed watching hubby compete on Sunday!