Sunday, December 21, 2008
80 minutes in hell!
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Let it Snow!
Sunday-80 min long run (steady pace)
Monday-Back/Chest/Shoulders (am) and 20-30 minutes on Rollers (pm)
Tues-40-50 minute medium length run (strong finish)
Wed- (am) Light Legs! (pm) 20-30 minutes Rollers
Thursday-OFF (Christmas)
Friday-Short Run (intervals) followed by bis and tris
Friday, December 19, 2008
Bloody Cold!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Off Day
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Run and Roll
Friday, December 12, 2008
Rockin the Rollers
Recovery Day
Thursday, December 11, 2008
I freaking did it!
Ran 7-7.5 miles today in the rain. Was cold, wet, and painful but it was fun! I'm beginning to realize that I think I actually enjoy pain. Probably a good thing, given that I probably just signed up for at least 7 hours of pain. Am really looking forward to joining the long course triathlete's club!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Monday- 1 1/2 hour fixed gear ride
Tues-15 minute run
Wed-30 min run
Thurs-2 hour ride, Legs, 25 minute run
Fri-back/bis/tris and total body workout while teaching Boomers Class
Sat-70 minute run
Totals: 5 1/2 hours bike, 1 hour 45 minutes running, 7 hours 15 minutes Cardio
8-9 hrs total training
Good week!
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Ahhh Saturday
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Good Byes....
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Upcoming Races (or potential races):
Feb 21 Colchester Half Marathon
December 7th Pearl Harbor Masters 5 miler
January 4th Kelleys Pace Frostbite 5 miler
January 4th Boston Buildup Series #1 10K
January 17th Tri to Help Indoor Triathlon
April 19th Wrenthem Duathlon
June 20th Pat Griskus Olympic Distance Triathlon
September 13th Firmman RI Half Ironman ???
Week #1 Half Marathon Plan
Wed-2 mile run
Thurs-Long Bike (or run with Kim) depending on weather Work 1-?
Fri-Back/Abs work 9-5
Sat-Bis/Tris work 10-2??
Sun-Shoulders/Chest 5 Mile Run or Bike (depending on Thursday)
Now I just have to stay injury free! =) Hoping to include some swimming next week. Might be able to squeeze something in over the weekend, but those days are usually open swim days and the pool is a mess of kids and "pleasingly plump" navy wives. (I promise that phrase isn't mine, it was one of the chicks Bobby and I tag-teamed into joining the gym today). Oh fuck it , I was trying to be nice...fat lazy chicks. I hope it doesn't rain tomorrow, because clearly this girl could use a nice long bike ride with a lot of ugly hills. And now snuggling up in bed with a good book is sounding like a very good idea...especially with the rain pouring down.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
The Week in Review
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Killer Quads!
Leg Extensions 12 reps x 3 (50lbs I think)
Smith Machine Squat (3x8 50 lbs)
Leg Press (3 x 10 90 lbs)
Sissy Squats (3x8 15lb dumbbell in hand)
Tomorrow I need to hit the rest of my legs, back, and abs! Am going to lay off running for another two weeks. Stinks, but hopefully then I can start upping the mileage for a February half marathon! :) In the meantime I shall start looking over half marathon training plans and find one that works for my time frame. Man did it get chilly today. Going to have to get out and buy some more winter gear now. Took the kiddo out to get pumpkins yesterday and then today we went apple picking! I'm really enjoying this season! I think I might have to break out the Joy of Cooking and make a pie or something...hehe
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Its been a while....
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Stroll in the Park Sunday
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Total Dork
Thursday, October 2, 2008
They kind of match my bike...hehe! So in the mean time my bike is at the shop having the pedals switched out and a new brake pad put on. Because my dumb blond ass destroyed it riding on a wheel that was not entirely tight. Scary...knowing I rode 30 miles on a wheel that should have come off. Oh yeah and awesome ride today! Either my legs were really tired though or Kim was flying.
Un Training Blog
Na Na Na Na Na Na Na
Na Na Na Na Na Na
Na Na Na Na Na Na Na
Na Na Na Na Na Na
I guess i just lost my husband
I don't know where he went
So i'm gonna drink my money
I'm not gonna pay his rent (Nope)
I got a brand new attitude
And i'm gonna wear it tonight
I wanna get in trouble
I wanna start a fight
Na Na Na Na Na Na Na
I wanna start a fight
Na Na Na Na Na Na Na
I wanna start a fight
So so what?
I'm still a rock star
I got my rock moves
And i don't need you
And guess what
I'm having more fun
And now that we're done
I'm gonna show you tonight
I'm alright, I'm just fine
And you're a tool
So so what?
I am a rockstar
I got my rock moves
And i don't want you tonight
Uh, check my flow, uh
The waiter just took my table
And gave to Jessica Simp- Shit!
I guess i'll go sit with drum boy
At least he'll know how to hit
What if this song's on the radio
Then somebody's gonna die
I'm gonna get in trouble
My ex will start a fight
Na Na Na Na Na Na Na
He's gonna start a fight
Na Na Na Na Na Na Na
We're all gonna get in a fight!
So so what?
I'm still a rock star
I got my rock moves
And i don't need you
And guess what
I'm having more fun
And now that we're done
I'm gonna show you tonight
I'm alright, I'm just fine
And you're a tool
So so what?
I am a rock star
I got my rock moves
And i don't want you tonight
You weren't there
You never were
You weren't all
But thats not fair
I gave you life
I gave my all
You weren't there
You let me fall
So so what?
I'm still a rock star
I got my rock moves
And i don't need you
And guess what
I'm having more fun
And now that we're done (we're done)
I'm gonna show you tonight
I'm alright(I'm alright),I'm just fine (I'm just fine)
And you're a tool
So so what?
I am a rock star
I got my rock moves
And i don't want you tonight
No No, No No
I Don't want you tonight
You weren't there
I'm gonna show you tonight
I'm alright, I'm just fine
And you're a tool
So so what?
I am a rock star
I got my rock moves
And i don't want you tonight
Ba da da da da da
This week has been good! Tuesday did Chest, Shoulders, and Biceps. Wed did Back, Abs, and Triceps. Today is long ride day! Am very much looking forward to it! In other big news, I'm finally going to clip in...hehe When we are done riding today I am going to have them switch out my pedals! I've resisted long enough. Plus I very much want to buy some oh so cool shoe covers for the winter...hehe Did I mention I love the pockets on my new jersey? God I'm such a dork. :)
Monday, September 29, 2008
Coffee Addict and Downward Facing Dog
I love downward dog! If I only ever did one yoga pose that would be the one! My back is always super tense and it really hits that spot!
Anyways, those new pants I'm sporting are the ones I picked up from Victoria's Secret yesterday. I needed a little pick me up and am totally addicted to that store. And I basically live in my gym wear now a days....I think they make my butt look pretty damn good! The kid is finally in bed and the veggies for the soup I'm making tomorrow are all chopped up! :) I think I'll take pictures of it tomorrow when it is done. I finally located my digital camera again, so I can stop using my phone!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
2009 Races
September?? Westchester Olympic Distance Triathlon (need to be around 2:27 if I want to qualify for Escape from Alcatraz 2010)
Trail Run Race
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Mini Race Blog
Friday, September 26, 2008
Rainy Friday
Old picture...but fits my mood today! :) Bad ass! ;)
I keep waiting for the email saying my race has been canceled but so far nothing! Hey I'm game! Am a little nervous about biking in a downpour, more concerned about slippery roads. Have been a bit skittish ever since my crash. But I'm antsy and a race is the perfect solution. I'm still trying to shake this cold. Wed I felt icky all day, came home, canceled my horseback riding lesson and went straight to bed. Woke up in the middle of the night feeling sick to my stomach and tossed and turned for the rest of the night. Thursday woke up still feeling slightly sketchy, but then my friend Kim called to see if I wanted to ride and I was like eh maybe. So I hopped in a quick shower, dropped the kid at daycare and went. Not much can keep me off my bike these days. I was actually happy to see that I felt ok. Did somewhere between 30 and 40 miles. And today I feel awesome! My throat is still sore. But hey maybe it will go away by tomorrow. I had no intention of tapering this week, but it sort of just happened. It makes me antsy as hell to start off with, but by the end of the week I'm ready to go!
And they better not cancel this thing, because I'm totally ready to pound it out. :) Now I just need to go put together a lesson plan for this class I'm teaching this morning. Sort of a last minute thing, so I don't have anything together. Hmmm I'm thinking maybe a little bit of kickboxing! :) Off to watch FitTV, my latest source of inspiration...that and youtube of course...hehe This is what is going to keep me going today! I love my coffee mug!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Piddled around a bit....
Monday Monday
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Stiff Leg Deadlift
Lying Hamstring Curl
Smith Machine Squat
Sissy Squat
Leg Extension
Leg Press
Calf Raise
1 leg calf raise with ball
So I spent a good part of the evening and this morning trying to find a race to do next weekend. I have the Wrenthem Duathlon planned for the end of October but I really wanted to do something sooner. Finally came across one on Saturday, ITPman (.5S, 15B, 5R) a bit nervous about the 5 mile run. But I figure if it isn't terrible maybe I'll just go ahead and sign up for the half ironman in Providence next July. So my plan this week is going to change a bit. Instead of doing weights almost everyday, I am going to back off and do some light cardio with race intensity intervals. I don't have to go into work until 1 on Wed and Thursday, so I'll bike on those days. Or maybe I'll swim on one and do an easy bike Friday morning. Am really excited about racing on Saturday! :) Love the tingly nervousness in my stomach. I'm recovering from a bit of a cold that I woke up with on Thursday. Started with a sore throat that I thought was just allergies and rolled into a full blown cold on Saturday. I've been drinking herbal immune boosters since Friday evening though and it seems to be working as my throat is only mildy sore and otherwise I feel fine. Took today off, since I had a sore throat this morning and my muscles were still achy. Want to be good and healthy for the race this weekend as it will probably be my last triathlon this season! :)
Friday, September 19, 2008
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Bis and Tris
Bench Dips
Tricep Kickbacks
Rope Pulldown
Hammer Curls
Concentration Curls
Anterior Raise
6-8 reps of each x3, with a heavier weight. Trying to put some mass on! :)
Pike Crunches
Hanging Abs
Fun workout! Worked out with Kelly and Bobby, tried out this really bizarre move where you grab a hold of the hanging abs bar pull yourself into a pull up position and whip your legs up in the air in a V shape and then pulse. Insane! :)
Chest and Shoulders
Seated dumbbell shoulder press
Bent over lat raise
dumbbell lat raise
clean and press (superset)
one arm flat bench dumbbell press
Bosu Push up
Incline Bench rear delt raise
Another awesome workout!
I also sat in on the Boomers Aerobics class, which I get to teach on Friday and Monday! :) Wee!
Or rather quads! :) Awesome workout! I'm using this period of non-running to focus more on weights (got to put a positive spin on shin splints somehow right?!) SO here's the workout:
Leg Extension 8 Reps
Smith Machine Squat 8 reps
1 set of each, immediately following previous x 3
Sissy Squat (wicked kewl move) 8 reps
Leg Press 8 reps
1 set of each, immediately following previous x 3
I really enjoyed this workout, it was short but sweet. I felt like superwoman afterwards! I followed this up with some abs work:
bent over row
reverse crunch
leg raises
Friday, September 12, 2008
Another day, another ride!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Good Day!
A Wash
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Shin Splints
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Super Kate :)
Lat raises
Ant Raises
Hammer curls
Military press
Bent over single arm rows
Concentration Curls
Tricep dips
Twist crunch
Reverse crunch
Bodyball pushups
I know there was some more stuff in there, but can't remember exactly what right now. After that it was a nice easy 20 min run (ok prob more of a jog). My inner calf has been bugging me since my trail run on Sunday. Hopefully not shin splints. It's feeling a bit better today. Wanted to get a bike in, but it didn't happen. If nothing else I wanted to get on the stationary bike after work, but unfortunately the power went out so that didn't happen either. So today ended up being an off day. Probably a much needed one, but it sorta throws off my schedule. Anyways...tomorrow is going to be another long day at work. Hopefully I can get a long ride in Thursday or Friday as this weekend is going to be a wash what with moving and all. Am really bummed I won't be able to make the Saturday Ladies group ride yet again. Would be a bit rude to up and leave when everyone has driven down here to help out. :( Will be glad to get moved into the new house. One less thing to stress over. The kiddo seems to be adjusting to daycare. He was pretty upset when I dropped him off today. He clung to me like a little monkey. Was quite distressing. But they said he wasn't upset for too long and he isn't acting out in the evening. I get lots of big hugs when I get home from work. :) I love hugs from my monkey boy.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Down and Dirty!
Tricep Dips (3x12)
Tricep Kickbacks (3x8)
Hammer Curls (3x12)
Isolated Curls (3x12)
pushups (3x10)
military press (3x12)
Lat. Raises (3x12)
Ant. Raises (3x12)
This is the first week in a while that I've been consistent with weight training and boy does it show. I feel so weak. Also I haven't been in this much pain after a week of training, in a while. That part feels good. I needed to kick it up a notch. Ran a bit yesterday. Was feeling tense and that always relaxes me. My quads and hams were feeling super tight, walking up and down stairs is difficult right now. :) I want to do a trail run this morning. Legs are still iffy, but I haven't done one in a while. Its bound to me be nice and muddy out there after yesterdays rain. Perfect! If I don't get it done this morning, not sure if it will happen. Its the sister in laws birthday so we are meeting everyone up at Cracker Barrel for a late breakfast. Well off I go! :)
Friday, September 5, 2008
Burning Quads!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
All Legs!
Dumbbell Lunges (3x10)
Hack Squat with Body Ball (3x10)
Pendulum Lunges (my fav) (3x10)
Calf Raises with dumbbell (3x10)
Plie Squat (3x12)
Split Squat (3x10)
Seated Leg Curl (3X10)
added some abs in there too, since it got cut a bit short yesterday...
crunches (3x20)
plank (3 x 30sec)
Legs feel a bit like jello right now....def need an ice bath. Got invited on another ride tomorrow might be making that two ice baths. One now and one in the morning. Don't need to get my ass handed to me.
Trial by Error
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Making the Cut
Monday, September 1, 2008
The Week in Short!
Always on the Run!
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Ice Baths
Saturday, August 30, 2008
That Felt Gooood!
Friday, August 29, 2008
Bike Porn
Not necessarily hot...but cute for sure
on to the hot stuff....
Xenith T2
Felt DA
Orbea Ordu
Sweeet Bikes! :) Did I mention that I'm going out for a ride tomorrow! Wee....can't wait to fly down those hills again! I love that feeling...whooosh! I took a short ride around my neighborhood earlier today, once I got my baby back home. Went flying down a few hills, just to see if I was afraid. Whoossh! Ahhh its good to be back! Saw this quote today and liked it....Life is short, play hard and get dirty doing it! I think that about sums it up!
Too funny....
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Planned Training (in the works)
Thursday-run (nice and easy)
Fri-run (nice and easy)
Sat-morning yoga, potential group bike ( with the members of my Road 1 Class)
Sun-run (nice and easy)
Sat-30+mile group ride
Goals for next season
1) Increase average bike speed for sprint distance races to 20mph (at 18 right now)
2) Have a sub 8 minute mile for sprint distance run (right now my PR is 26:06 for 3 mile run). Would love to have a 7:30 pace.
3) Be able to complete a Olympic distance course
4) Work on transitions
Not sure how ambitious these goals are, but now there they are in writing. I've made huge improvements this season. Going from a person who struggled to run for 2 minutes at a time, to someone who can now run for 45 minutes straight with decent form. I've been told that I look like a gazelle when I run! ;) And I have to admit that when I look at myself in the mirror while running, I do look pretty damn good. I'm happy with my swim times, while I know there is room for improvement...I def think that with a higher level of fitness my times will drop. After all, I'm a swimmer first. I've gotten three invitations to go on bike rides this weekend, stinks because I'm not sure if I'll be able to go on any of them. My bike is still in the shop. Last time I heard all it needed was a new wheel, so that's hope that still stands. It has been gorgeous this week, every time I go out for a drive I want to ride instead. Its amazing how fast all my scraps have healed. As soon as hubby gets back from his drink with the guys I'm heading out for a run! I'd love to run for 45 again, but I guess it all depends how stiff I am. This will be my first workout post crash.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Restless again...
Monday, August 25, 2008
I got a kick out of this one...
Ben's Top Ten Transition Tips
10) Do: Squirt any slippery cream, vaseline, or lotion product inside your bike or run shoes, to make your foot slip n' slide right in during transition. Don't (guys): Use your wife's new and expensive Pomegranate-Vanilla Body Crème.
9) Do: Let the zipper pulley string on the back of your wetsuit hang free, as it's easier to grab as you run out of the swim. Don't: Grab other people's free-hanging zipper pulley strings as you swim past them.
8) Do: Leave your bike shoes attached to your bike pedals and perform a barefoot mount as you pass the mount line. Don't: Go bragging to your neighboors that you're a "barefoot mounter" - they won't know what you mean
and will likely be very concerned.
7) Do: Keep your hands free by leaving your cap and goggles on until after you've removed at least the upper part of your wetsuit. Don't: Keep the goggles on the rest of the race to save time in transition and money on sunglasses.
6) Do: Run through transition prior to the race to practice spotting your bike. Don't: Hang helium balloons from your bike, paint your bike neon colors, or rip your car alarm out of your car, hang it on your bike handlebars, and activate it as you run through transition.
5) Do: Wear your heart rate monitor, watch, and race belt under your wetsuit to save time. Don't: Wear your bike helmet under your swim cap to also save time.
4) Do: Put your sunglasses inside your helmet so you can easily locate them. Don't: Forget that you did this and put your helmet on, then run around transition screaming if anyone has seen your sunglasses.
3) Do: Roll your socks down so that your feet slip into them more quickly.
Don't: Squirt that lotion stuff into your socks.
2) Do: Test the tension on those brand new elastic shoelaces by actually putting your feet into your shoes before the race. Don't: Go to the medical tent if your feet become stuck inside the elastic-equipped shoes - just remain calm and cool and pour boiling water on the shoes to stretch out the elastic laces and free your feet.
1) Do: Go to that same soft, grassy golf course and practicing dismounting from your bike while leaving the shoes attached to the pedals. Don't: Go into the clubhouse and complain about people shooting balls at you while you're trying to ride your bike, darn it.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Vicodin and Chinese Food
Wipe Out!
Friday, August 22, 2008
Going Biking Tomorrow!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Longest Run So Far!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Non Training Log
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Bayside Triathlon
This race (which I signed up for on a whim a couple of days after my so called A race) really should have been my A race, because I rocked it! :) For the past couple of races I've been trying to psych myself out beforehand by believing it was possible to make top 3 in my AG and what do you know it actually worked. Left the house at 4:30 am for the hour or so drive up to Barrington, RI. I have a tendency to get lost when going places I'm not familiar with, so I wanted to give myself plenty of extra time. Got to the course a little after 6 am. Was a really good thing I was super early, because we had to drop our stuff off at the site then drive down the road a good ways to park. My stomach was playing games with me this morning and I was quite a bit more nervous that I had been for my previous races. I think it was because this is the first race I've had to drive to by myself. Too much time to think!
I got knocked around quite a bit in the swim and I'm pretty sure I touched a jelly fish or maybe two. Coming out of the water, we had a nice (ok not so nice) jog up the beach.
.5 mile swim 13:17 ( this was a Firm race, so I don't think it was quite a half mile, but judging from some of my other times this was probably pretty close) 3rd in AG, 88th OA
T1 2:39 Yay! Finally got this part down. :)
For the first portion of the bike I kept trying to chase down this other chick in my age group, who I dubbed thunder thighs. I lost track of her eventually, but it was a good way to keep pace. Averaged 18.2 miles/hour.
12 mile bike 39:49 (2nd in AG)
T2 1:00 (could def get this under a minute)
Felt really great going out onto the run course, actually had some spring in my step instead of feeling wobbly. I kept my pace up by alternating sprinting and recovery (like in my speed workouts). Normally I'm just trying to survive the run.
3 mile run 26:06
Total Time: 1:22:53, 2nd in my AG! :)
It turned out to be a good thing I went by myself, although it would have been cool to have my hubby and kiddo there. I don't think he would have survived long enough for me to get my cool little medal!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
I'm Tapering...enter at your own risk
Monday, August 11, 2008
Too much coffee?
Sunday, August 10, 2008
The Perfect Saturday!
Well no luck with the draino, even tried taking off all the attachment bits with a screw driver to see if I could figure out what the issue was. But really couldn't get a good look, especially not with my two year old acting as assistant plumber. Hmmm maybe I can try plugging the drain with some kids toys or a washcloth...was really looking forward to that cold bath and maybe a hot bath and some epsom salt to follow. I probably should have at least gone for a light run to stretch out my sore muscles, but really didn't feel up to pushing the jogging stroller. Oh well maybe I can get some yoga stretches in after I put the kiddo to bed. Only another 1 1/2 to go! :)
If I wasn't officially insane already, I think I'm def there now. I'm looking forward to putting the kid in bed so I can hop into a freezing cold bath. Also trying to decide whether to go for a cold beer or a banana split.....
Friday, August 8, 2008
Another day...another race!
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Recovery Week
Monday-easy 20 min run
Tues-random day off....just wasn't working out.
Wed-...itching to get at it today, so hopefully that will bode well for my workout! :) Don't have to work, just horseback riding at 6:45p. Which of course I'm always looking forward to. Really going to miss it when I have to give it up in a month. Hubby is going back to a boat and he just won't be reliable as childcare anymore. Fortunately, I did figure out how I can possibly still work two days a week though! Otherwise I'd probably be carried off by the men in little white coats in a very short period of time.
Made it out for a 30 minute trail run! :) It was pouring the entire first part of the day, which made for a fun yet very muddy run! Good times.
Thurs-45 minute easy bike, nice hilly ride! I always enjoy this loop because I get to cross over a huge lake surrounded by pine trees...very pretty!
Fri-Swim...may end up being another day off as I have to go into work early. Managed to get a run (with speed work) in before work, cut it short at 20 minutes though because my ankle and shin were acting up.
Sat-yoga/long bike...probably no yoga as I have to work, but the the long bike is def in as long as it doesn't pour out. I've been wanting to make it to this group ride for ever now.
Sun-off? DH has we shall see.
Race Day!
Goals: (this was my so called A race) top 10 age group, under 1 hour 30 mins
Reality: 8th in age group, 1:31:34
I'm a bit bummed that I wasn't able to keep it under 1:30, but I'm still really pleased with my times. That was my first ocean swim and I felt like it went really well. I was in the pack of girls first out of the water. Now that was a real half mile swim. All those other races I have to say were def not. They spent a lot of time talking about the large numbers of jelly fish in the water, but fortunately I didn't meet any.
Swim: distance 1/2 mile, 15 minutes even
T1: 5:02 Really need to work on getting my wet suit off faster.
Bike was good. I worked really hard to keep my HR even and my breathing good. Felt very in control. Got passed a lot, but I'm just going to assume that that was because there were so many good bikers that were slower swimmers. Averaged 18mph! Nice increase of 2 mph.
Bike: 12 miles, 40:54
T2: 1:39 Yuck..thought I had it down to under a minute with the last race. Legs were a bit shaky going into T2.
Felt really good going out onto the course. Kept the same pace I did for the last race, even with the additional half mile. I can't help wondering if maybe I should have gone just a bit faster though. Although I'm really happy that I managed to keep the same pace as the last race for a longer distance and my hr didn't sky rocket and my breathing was under control.
run: 3.4 mile run, 29 even
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Taper Week
Rest of the week...
Friday-Speed work on the bike/swim
Saturday-spent the day at a bike safety course doing all sorts of fun moves like quick stops and immediate turns. Oh yeah and now I know how to change a tire, not quickly but it can be done! :) And I have the grease covered hands to prove it!
Sunday-Brick 20 min bike/20 minute run
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
To Bring Check List:
Desoto Tri Shorts (wear to race site)
googles (2 pairs speedo)
swim cap
wet suit
plastic shopping bag ( to get wet suit on with)
Towel for transition area
extra bottle with water for feet and small hand towel
camel pack
bike/weight lifting gloves
Race Belt
Bike Course Map
Socks/running shoes
GU gel (chocolate)
Heed sports drink
extra t-shirt/long sleeve short (in case of cold weather)
Garbage bag (in case of rain)- to cover transition area
extra hair bands/socks
swim cap
Running Hat
Run course map
water bottle
flip flops
Off Day
Tuesday Bike Work
Total Time on bike: only 20-25 minutes, but as I keep telling myself quality over quantity. I keep beating myself up because I can't manage to get more then about 3 hours of training in a week (4 if I'm lucky and wake up at the crack ass of dawn everyday...but what with working at the gym till 10:30 every night this doesn't always happen). But then I realized that a lot of my workouts are pretty high intensity ones. So it will all even out in the end. In the off season, when I'm not focusing so much on going body will be able to cope with more volume!
Monday Evening
100 yard warm up
Drills with kickboard and those floaty things that go between your ankles.
50 fast
more drills
100 y cool down
I felt really good in the water! I despise pool swimming and always try to make excuses to get out of it. But I'm glad that I made myself go. I feel strong this week. I was getting worried, because the heat has really been getting to me lately. But baby I'm back! :) Time to kick some ass. My goal for this race is to keep it under 1:30 despite the fact that there's an extra .5 mile run on the beach. I also want to be in the top 10 for my age group. Time to make it happen! :)
Monday, July 21, 2008
Am Run
5 min warm up run
5x1 min hill intervals (2 min easy run in between on flat)
1x2 min hill interval
2 min flat
2x 1 min hill intervals
5 minutes easy run (8:30/9 minute pace)
5 min cool down walk
35 minutes total
Felt really good at the end. 8:30min/mile is actually quite a fast pace for me and it still felt relaxed. I didn't check, but my heart felt somewhere around 75% and 80%. And I actually had to work to get it that high. Usually it gets right up there from the start and I have to struggle to keep it down. Was talking with my personal trainer friend Saturday night, discussing how to increase my VO2 max. And she recommending HIIT. Which is what I've been doing all along. So I guess I'm on the right track. I'm def in the mind frame of quality over quantity training. Anywho, for the next three weeks I'll be keeping a really close eye on my diet. All clean eating and no junk. Well except for Dunkin Donuts Coffee. Not sure I could make it through the day without a little caffeine.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Training Week July 7th-13th
Monday-Easy 20 minute walk
Tues-530 am easy 20 minute run
Back in the saddle and feeling good again on Tuesday!!
Wed-530am speed workout on indoor trainer
5 min steady w/up
3 min fast as possible (18-20mph)
2 min recovery
3 min fast
2 min recovery
5 minute fast
3 minute cool down
3 mile walk with jogging stroller(with mom's group)
Thurs-open water swim (first time in ocean) (sighting drills)
*note to self do not watch all three Jaws movies before open water workout, was wigging myself out a bit. I've been really bored in the pool and avoiding my swim workouts, so I decided I needed to change things up a bit. I'm a complete wuss when it comes to cold water though. It was 80 + degrees outside and I still felt the need to wear my wetsuit. No the water wasn't 80 degrees but you'd think it would atleast be refreshing.
20 minutes bike-relatively flat course on indoor trainer
90-100 rpm
36 minute endurance run
HR 80% range almost entire time (did immediately following cadence workout on bike)\
Saturday and Sunday-off (as am working entire weekend)
May try and fit in longer ride outside one evening! :)
Thursday, July 3, 2008
A Triathlete's Mini Break
June 30th-July 6th
Monday-run (speed workout)
Tuesday-swim (endurance workout) + abs/back/chest weights
Wed-bike workout (speed) + arms
Thursday-run (endurance)
Friday-bike (endurance)
Monday- 5:40a run workout (speed)
- 5 min w/u
- 5 min 10 min mile
- 5 min 8 min mile
- 2 min @ 9 min mile
- 1 min @ 8 min mile
- 1 min @9 min mike
- 1 min @ 10 min mile
- 5 min c/d
stretch before and after
- headed out to pool to do 4 x 400y (30s r/i), only to find pool is closed for rest of week for maintenance
- did abs/back/chest workout before work
body ball pushups
scorpion pushups
back extension
toe touch crunch
dead lift
plank twist
Wed- DH didn't make it home in time for me to get workout in, put me in somewhat foul mood. Felt like a lazy ass.
Thursday-(need to make up Wed workout plus get in endurance run)
planning on finding nice flat course to do some bike speed work and then doing a 33 minute trail run.
Awesome workout! Did a 40 minute bike, with speed work and some hill work at the end (as I had to ride down it to get to the flat area and figured it would just be silly to drive to the flat portion to do the speed work). Then did a 33 minute trail run! Really nice run! :) Felt exhausted, but accomplished!
Friday-First 20+ mile bike!!! Very hilly ride. Legs felt a bit like jello afterwards. I was really glad I had that bag of ice in the freezer! Hmmmm ice baths! :)
Saturday and Sunday- off, had a nice easy swim in the hotel pool with the kiddo. Enjoyed watching hubby compete on Sunday!